Wednesday, July 30, 2014

seven steps towards intermediate richii mahjong

something i thought about since i couldn't sleep in camp. ridiculously early sleep times that's why. some tiger trail marathon event that made this week more lepak i guess. i felt like making a mahjong guide cos i have tried new styles and put much more thought into it recently, and it has made the game so much more fun to me.

firstly, let me try to explain why ppl play richii mahjong. i can assure u it has more depth than any luck based game i have ever played, and it IS a game u need to think, where skill actually matters. and contrary to popular belief, i don't feel in anyway that such a game is harmful, no u don't bet money, cos there's a point system. and yes it is damn bloody addictive, that's why we meet quite often to play at someone's house. but imo its a good activity to do during army. lets u enjoy a pretty intense game, but catchup with friends at the same time haha.

anyway, this is a mahjong guide assuming ur somewhat ok and know basic jap mahjong theory, how to win fast or what hands are usually easier. its for no one in mind particularly, but i realise there is no guide out there past basic theory, its abit hard to learn other than playing. its mainly for myself, but google might just bring u here (wow), if ur enthu enough and had the right timing.

the first important thing about intermediate mahjong is ur hand is nvr fixed from the start, u can draw any tile even after ishanten (two tiles from winning). upgrading hand values can just occur accidentally, but if u are decisive, anything is possible. nvr throw or decide until u draw ur next tiles. terminals and honours are not useless, they can bring u a quick richii trap that may save u more than 5 rounds, its just up to u to consider the possibilities. shanpon (two dbls), tanki(single wait to form a dbl), even 13 or 79 waits can be very tricky and huge if u ippatsu or tsumo.

secondly, always try to aim for dora. think of this, any tile near a dora means that u may just save so much effort in making ur hand big. always consider what to do if u draw a dora, unless it really cant fit there (eg hon tiles). many games i aim to dbl wait just to attempt getting a dora, only to end up drawing multiple. do not restrict ur hand whenever it comes to dora. in fact it can be so unpleasant to block u (terminal doras, dead walls), that ppl are more likely to feed in ur substantial hands. this kind of hand easily > 3900. a dama can really catch off guard and hurt. just dont make it too obvious unless u have no choice. big hands do not require many wins to deal huge impacts on ur game.

thirdly, ur not the only player in the game, dont just look at ur own hand. observe and learn how to read ppl's throws, what kinds of hands they are building, whether they might have a dora bomb, and even the issues they might face in that hand. a honitsu player that throws a dora could have a high threat hand, or is in tenpai, whereas there are cases where dora is sacrificed for tanyao, and u can tell its a cheapass hand and be braver. u might just get lucky and reverse eff them.

this leads to the fourth important skill. learn how to trap ppl. this is largely dependent on ur own understanding, especially ppl u know. it is possible to predict priorities of certain patterns. easy ones are honitsu and tanyao, followed by dora or yakuhai, whether concealed or not may display peculiar patterns. it is up to u to empathize with those players by ur own knowledge of how to win those hands fast, and what tiles are thrown key phrase just before tenpai. a trap can work either by fast non similar suits or terminals that other hands usually discard, while a slow and big trap could be a dora or yakuhai of a certain inconvenience. learn how to mark certain ppl when u want to improve ur own speed and value. dare to challenge a bad richii and u might just win big.

the fifth skill is also relevant to the previous one. learning to adapt ur hand to another. the most common thing is when ppl play honitsu, or if dora tiles are in the middle, u can expect ppl to aim towards certain targets to build deadly hands. u need to modify ur hand in two ways. consider that they are hogging all ur tiles, honitsu means u are unlikely to get middle tiles of a suit, so it maybe wise to get rid of deadweight as well as risky lategame throws. also look out for open hands, they really are quite limited in style. the second thing is learning how to bail these hands. bailing is not easy, a good bailer is ready 3 turns before anyone dangerous can tenpai, so they lose so much less. sometimes u got to learn how to fk care bail, if u know u cant tenpai, however it is also perfectly logical to drop ur tenpai hands value by half in order to avoid dangerous threats and set up good traps.

the sixth skill (so many already), nvr underestimate dealers, they can play either damn fast or very cunningly. either way, its very dangerous to challenge a dealer, only unless u can read his hand perfectly by the circumstances that has occurred (thrown tiles, furiten like discards). dealers like to use yakuhai, but u shud nvr forget to consider a good dama or shanpon. heck even richiis may not make sense, and u do not want to feed in a dealer tanki. always put more consideration into the threat a dealer poses.

the previous point was actually damn important even though i tried to rank by importance. anyway, the last point is a minor but also very good point. sometimes its important to just have faith. a richii can always have unexpected results. while good shape pushes u to pinfu, why cant u use any other kind of fked up wait? low chance but high reward works in low risk games. winning chance is important, but if u win ippatsu tsumos or aim kan ura dora, u can just turn ur whole game around. also just try yakumans and rare yakus. its more thrilling and makes the game more fun for everyone. going for unexpectedly fast hands may just work sometimes to keep ur dealer and break dangerous hands to get the whole table swearing at u haha. and being yolo may just work cos u dont play logically haha. feeding is not always bad if u had the potential to change ur whole game. some things are worth trying. just try to understand what risks u are taking whenever u take any move

most importantly, since i only roughly captured the essence of intermediate mahjong, just experiment and enjoy. its dumb to just play mahjong one way. learn from others as they just seem so good at certain things. i know i have emulated others but built my very own logically inclined style. trying new styles might make u lose more, but u pickup new tricks that will eventually make u more flexible. mahjong is abt luck yes, but deception, skill, and sheer blind faith might just make u proer than others haha. anyway, enjoy ~~ :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

eyes being opened too wide

what on earth is happening this few days?? i feel like my eyes are being stretched too far wide for my eyes. i feel like im learning so much about other ppl that it dulls my life, yet at the same time i realise i have come so far with just those very few ppl i know well, and im actually quite amazed i got to experience all this. i want to do more for them, now that their birthdays are coming, and make more memories.

what is happening? suddenly im so interested in ppl i know just moderately ok, and all of a sudden im so much more concerned about the ppl i know and i feel so curious as to what is going on with their life now (maybe mostly cos they are thrown all over army), how they feel, what they think. am i becoming autistic lol?

idk what in the world is happening to me now, but im curious to know more and yet i don't want to stretch too far, to be unable to handle what's near me, now that they seem more important to me already. im not very sure what to think, i like to tell so much to ppl i just haven't met for a few weeks, i don't know whether they find it weird, whether i changed a lot or what ppl generally view me. why they bother to jio me at all, im not very clear anymore haha.

its the army. or maybe its more than that, its life as a whole. my mind is being evolved, i feel like i just jumped out of a frog's well and ended up in an ocean, but yet i won't shout this all out to everyone yet cos its so odd. someone save me sia. i want to keep my old life and yet transform my new life haha. maybe i need someone to calm me down with all this lol.

i know this must be one of the weirdest posts i've made, not going to tag it like usual. ok that's about all for now. bye~~

trying to quell this weird anticipation im feeling so strongly

Saturday, July 26, 2014

shocking new revelation

so ya i have a very shocking revelation to make, especially for the ppl who know me, but before that, i want to re introduce a few things.

so over the past 2 months, the ppl i know and ppl who know me have probably tripled. my definition of know is quite different, cos these are ppl that i spent substantial time with or at least enough to cross that line of stranger.

ya im not joking, its abt triple now. but that's not the shocking revelation. its probably common for nsmen. but for me its a huge makeover for the ppl i know now. so im like going to reintroduce myself.

im kind of a jc kid, in army terms, but that's not really true. my sch is quite different in the sense that its 6 years, small cohort, and i dint have to take a levels. so i had quite an easy life, even though acads were conceptually hard. im not as smart as u think, in fact ppl who know me know im a blur cock, and in army im still a kanchiong spider, always panicking. its not so bad now, and im given a chance (thankfully) to start anew and i feel like im quite well off now. im glad i ended up as a men in arty, mentioned in my previous post.

but anyway, my point is that before these two months, im the low profile guy (except internally quite known for being blur). my first true friends i made in sec 3, where i started trying to fit in since i dint really had friends before. and these are ppl i have stuck with for all the way till now, through hostel and many memories.

my point is that till before army i only had 10-20 friends past the good friends line, and they are like super impt to me since they are essentially my first few true friends (not technically but ya).
so the whole point of saying this is only those ppl who know me know of this site, so i write as if im talking to them (or u basically). if ur here at this point of time, ur either them, or u somehow found the super few links that exist here.

idk what interested any good stalking to come here, since im not active on social media and not the kind to promote my blog or aim for many hits and likes. i don't insta la basically, but i do abit of stalking nowadays cos there's a lotttt of interesting ppl ive met. even my sergeants im curious as to how they've changed.

anyway, i will try to talk like before, but my mentality has did a 3600 degree already. compared to my first post i have come a longggg way. don't read it i find it freaking embarrassing now. alot of my previous post also make me sound like a retard haha. yes im embarassed abt the plenty of unglamorous stuff i did before, but i think im relatively guai ah, still haven't done things like partying clubbing or drinking that kind. quite an excessive but amateur gamer. like to watch anime and running man too haha.

if u haven't met me in a long time, im much more talkative now, only around ppl im comfortable with though. in army i learnt how to get familiar with ppl, and i know how to not alienate ppl, if the conditions are right. like i said, im a kanchiong spider so i make mistakes like nobody's business, like i take something in a rush and leave another thing there. that's essentially how my bmt went lol.

but ya i have changed from being awkward to even speak up to now being able to ask all sorts of questions, even the seemingly obvious and stupid one's i dare to ask alr. but im not an attention seeker, i don't really like to stand out externally, just trying to be friendly with ppl im close or comfortable with.

idk what started the change, but it was an important adaptation cos it help me speak out and get my shit together. im somehow gained the confidence to open up to ppl, and i guess having stories to tell and knowledge to share helps a lot in becoming more interesting. i like to think that from being a teenager, im always trying to improve myself to become a more likeable and fun-loving person, though i was slightly outcasted last time because im not a nice person to be in a team with (due to all the screwups), but just someone nice to talk to.

i kind of know my purpose in ns now, which is to become like my parent's essentially. its a very good opportunity in ns since its two years, and even if im just a men, there is time to get my shit together, be more capable, stop running away from problems, and learn how to solve and handle basic things. i kind of want to keep my personality though, it has made me very good friends so far.

ok enough chatterboxing. the shocking revelation is that, i go to church now. for those who know me, u must be going "Holy fkkk!!", or maybe it dint surprise u at all. im not saying im atheist before, or im all holy and religious now, its a slow thing. but its fun i got to admit. and im no longer afraid to say i go church now lest people judge me. there's a lot of justification to it.

anyway, it started with me helping my section mate do his bic, cos they needed another person to do twice. it wasn't supposed to be me at first, but i took it for him anyway, since i found the experience interesting even though it was shagggg. long story short it ended up with him introducing me to church, which i at that point considered as a outing, an activity i never tried before.

it ended up with me crying on the first preaching. it was more serious of a lesson that day. i cried cos all my life i have felt the issue of not being confident enough to put myself in the middle, always restraining myself because i felt inferior to the rest. very true in bmt, i always felt that stress in me, long before. except in front of those 10+ close friends i made in high school.

i felt the healing effect of crying it out and daring to show weakness in front of everybody. it was a holy place after all, one where u bare ur soul and try not to feel ashamed. and then i made a decision to convert. actually it was more of accept, and of cos i dint have an actual clear concept of what i was doing yet, just a kind of commitment to this interesting experience and i will try it again.

today is just the second time i came, and at first i was still not very sure if church is the thing for me, but today was a great session, seriously. its like god has some invisible eyes and the timing of the lesson was exactly what i was reflecting about how i've changed. it does feel like something is done to ur soul, like opening u up and making u feel more accepted and willing to share weakness.

ok this must be pretty cheesy to my sceptical-about religion friends. pls don't judge me, i won't try to pull u in either. but it is a especially good source of motivation to nsmen. u need some purpose and also for me it gave me a bit more confidence, which i really needed, and helped me start anew on a good note. and i do feel freaking lucky to end up in arty, it really suits me i think.

i know i might have adapted anywhere, but nvr before had i have such a concrete idea of why i needed to serve ns and what i shud try to achieve, and if i think abt it, its actually quite miraculous. its not hard to believe i was blessed with such compatibility in my unit and now i actually hope i can do well and have fun in ns. it is so much more bearable than bmt. the experiences i've had to this point feels pre-planned, so of cos im slowly starting to believe that holy crap, something is actually helping me shape my life well haha.

i seriously wont pull u in, tbh im still not fully convinced god exists, i don't get all those visions yet. but i have accepted that something wondrous is happening and its helping me grow into the adult i want to be. and its seriously relatable to ns. like how ns feels like a place for me to become the adult, and suddenly my path is clearer like nvr before. like all i need to do is follow and have faith it will bring me to my dream life.

i have a concrete goal that i have never had before, and i just feel like sharing it. im slowly changing, now i have a few more ppl to whatsapp to and tell ppl things i have never tried saying before. its fun and good, that's why im sharing it.

so ya, im supposed to believe i have a destiny, and i will surely achieve my dream, just need to believe im perfect for my destiny, i will achieve it no matter what happens, and my future is bright. its such a good thing to believe in right? gives me assurance that i will succeed. like how running a 10:34 has made me feel like i have no probs with running. im a light, agile person that can become quite strong. and how surviving 24km and kestrel makes me believe anything less harder i will be able to bear it. its like a lifesaver attitude for ns, which is supposedly hated by many. 

i feel im lucky, and i hope i can achieve my dream in the future, together with all this nice ppl who bothered to help me understand this. so much change in 2 months. how to not believe im being blessed u tell me lol.
but guys don't worry im still the same old dion u can bully and joke with. i hope this doesn't change my past friendships but i hope to make new good friends too. life is going quite well if u ask me. i hope i improve la basically.

ok la that's alot of important info i just shared. like really quite personal inner thoughts. that's all for now. i've really become a chatterbox haha. anyway, bye~~. maybe this blog will spring to life again and more ppl may come closer to me enough to find this page haha. i won't advertise abt it don't worry. not that shameless. yet. haha

1st week in arty

so im back in action after almost 1 week of unbearable sickness (during block leave somemore wtf), i think it might have been a borderline dengue case or maybe really just fatigue from 24km march (probably the singlemost hardest but feelgood thing in my life). but anyway that's over, got posted to 21 Singapore Artillery and resume NS life. i'm really lucky i guess, it's a very suitable place for me imo (maybe armour would have been more fun).

anyway, the 1st week in a unit is always quite different from what one will expect. i guess i found out alot of new things about how army is like. bmt is like a frog's well, i dint know shit in there, and its kinda secluded by itself there. but now u have friends everywhere, and also section mates, who know other section mates and stuff. its like a network of alot of knowledge about what other ppl do, and u end up getting a much better understanding of the whole army in general.

by the way, im now an arty operator, taking a 2 months course where i will learn how to drive and load ammo. its abit hectic for now (though nothing compared to chiong sua infantry like jookee). no more route march and infanteering for ns liao woohooo :DD. at the start i did feel slightly disappointed for not making scs and i will not be able to do alot of things as well as receive the recruit life more. but now i feel like its a good thing to be a men (more suited for my personality). also, i will get my LCP rank soon i think, cos my course is short-er(compared to so many others, but its still a fkload of information overload), and my fitness is medium to good in this unit. so awwwyeaahhhhh LCP haha.

there's alot of improvement to life, time efficiency and stuff, but at the same time, certain things are more focused. in my unit, marching and stand by bed and basically soldier discipline really must be sui sui, they dont let u off for it. but at the same time punishment is much more bearable, its really just push-ups and stuff meant to make u more buff, and they dont scold u like they do in bmt (or maybe just kestrel). but i have to thank kestrel for a bmt that changed my mind to be able to take any sort of scolding and still be able to smile lolol. it was fun there.

i kinda like our sergeants, we really have to work with them closely liao, they are kinda like our seniors who take responsibility if we screw up, but really, when we do anything with the tank gun (i must call it a gun, and i got knocked down 60 times already for calling it the wrong thing), sometimes we support the same heavy part while others move certain things, so ya, they will become our good seniors (kind of abit like in anime).

anywayyy i digress. its not the kind of lepak life u might expect, there's 5km runs very often now, and also a much more vigorous pt than i expected (still less shaggg than bmt for now) but it is very much more bearable. the rnd (regimentation and discipline) is quite a pain in the ass, but unlike bmt, u have a LOT of time here to slowly improve. definitely much less stress in the mind. i kinda eff-up much less now, thanks to kestrel, but as always im the blur cock there. but i manage to do my stuff properly liao, just still a kanchiong spider when problems arise.

it takes quite a bit of self control to do my stuff properly, which im kind of more motivated to be now. here the sergeant major at first impression seems like an annoying person who will give u alot of trouble, but in actual fact the more i hear him talk to us, the more i like him. they encourage us to be honest here (not lie in bmt straight to the face im not shag, im not sleepy etc.), and he really talks like he knows exactly how we feel. and there's a culture of encouragement here, even though we don't perform half as well physically like in bmt.

i think i can talk on forever, at least for this month, about all the new stuff that changed this week. but its a very suitable place for me. lessons in garage (6-8 hrs everyday), its sian yes, but i learn alot of things about a car this week (engine, cooling system, track and suspension). its a bit like engineering lessons in a garage in army. alot of ppl sleep yes, but they let u stand up, eat sweets, basically u feel like the sergeants allow u to feel these things cos they gone through the same thing. its a very strong source of motivation, cos u feel like they understand u. just don't effing sleep, the whole group will knock it down la. (understandable though)

i feel like i use a lot more thinking here, plus the ppl here are nicer (maybe just my bunk). group is smaller, but they are all quite similar to me, quite chill on the inside, fitness so-so, all gamers (even the sergeant haha), some jokers also. very friendly easygoing ppl de. at first we were all totally quiet at night, but now we keep talking about interests and stuff. it seems like its going to be a very fun place la. which is like the number 1 thing i was looking for. lessons are interesting (to me at least), i hope to be proficient in everything related to it.

the shit here is damn damn heavy though, and im going to have alot of problems. in essence the SSPH1 (s'pore self-propelled howitzer, sounds cool, no?) is a very accurate cannon that is able to move, so its offensive by nature. but in essence its a gigantic gun mounted on a tank. that's why i made mistake call it tank 3 times liao, the only guy to get caught some more lol. maybe cos im quite active in lesson, i find it fun to learn, but i get knockdown for asking questions o.o.

anyway, the thing is freaking big, probably one of the biggest tank-like vehicles for NSF to handle. its as big as a tonner la, but the parts are aluminium coated steel, and its 14 tons (tonner is about 6). and fk, every small panel is like 10kg, access doors and parts can go up to 200kg to a few tons. its freaking easy to kiap ur finger or hand if u drop anything, if anything hits ur head ur kinda fked. and i cant even do the signal set properly lol (thank goodness its a sergeant role), but its still gonna be tough on me.

i think i'll do well on theory and maintenance though. i kinda the most tolerant to feeling disgusted by grease and stuff. i dont mind getting dirty, i actually find it cool u need like 4 ppl to do everything, cos really there's a sense of teamwork in everything. i want to learn how to drive soon yea. 165cm driving a 14 kg vehicle siol. the freaking ammo (some gigantic bullet with 900 times more base area than our rifle bullet) is 42 fking kg, and we have to do obstacle course with it. hong gan liao lor lolol.

anyway, i will speak forever if u let me carry on, but i get the feeling i will enjoy and remember the next 2 months of course time, and after that life will be much more comfortable heheh. im damn lucky to be posted to arty imo, ppl are nice and stuff. they said u need a goal to serve, and i kinda have something forming in my mind liao. u know how the csm always seems so mature and stuff? they feel very adult-ish to me, so my goal is to kinda transform to an adult within this 2 years.

of course i want to keep my fun-loving nature, i also want to keep my goal of having some dream job related to virtual reality (which is showing up a LOT within this past few months). i kinda want to build a almost fully immersive virtual reality system (or at least be part of a team doing that, my dream job), though it feels like going at my rate of being quite lazy, i might not do as well in uni as i thought.

its like a minor mid-life crisis also, so ya i hope army can turn me into like my parents la. able to endure shit and carry on doing something, don't like avoid doing stuff just cos i hate it (which i still do quite often), and become like my parents basically, be in charge of a bit, have some dream job, which i really starting to have ideas about already. they said don't waste 2 years in army la, so i hope i can achieve that.

so what if i'm just a lowly men man? (no pun intended). just do my shit properly, be an expert in gun matters, and take away alot from NS. i mean i still feel sian about that place la, but there's alot to take away (except being anal in rnd, its quite a bitch). have fun in army, and in uni also, and get that dream job. i really want it heh.

k la so damn long post, time to stop le. bye~~

Monday, July 14, 2014

24 clicks to POP

finally passed out today. actually i passed out two times, one during the morning after that super tiring march, then another time when i reached home lol.

anyway, if u asked me just casually how army is like, especially since ppl know im from kestrel, i can't really describe it. fun? shiong? its kinda a mix of both, but actually that's still not a very good way to describe how it was like for me.

the last time i blogged, i was pretty demoralised about coping with army cos my physical was so bad i took atten c twice in the first 3 weeks. but after tanking through field camp and many different activities that everyone was like struggling through, slowly i realised that actually i was able to march and do the same stuff after all, just that i was complaining too much. IPPT and SOC that one if ur not fit cant do very well la, but for the rest, it really is up to ur own mind and perseverance.

anyway, after field camp, there were actually many fun times among the shit we had to do and endure through. i feel like my platoon is quite fun to be in, and that our batch probably was one of the most entertaining ones in kestrel history haha. we made lots of effed up songs, imitate the commanders during OC night, and did lots of guai lan stuff la. though its probably very difficult to explain the jokes to anyone else not in the coy.

as for kestrel being shiong, yes it is, but then when i look at some things other companies do, i feel like maybe we're not that shiong after all, even though ppl from other coys tell us that we are. maybe we got brainwashed or something, tekan so much until don't even know we are getting tekan. but to be honest though, i probably din't have a very hard time in kestrel after all. i can safely say that all the other kestrel warriors really have their standard up there. i guess i did put in a lot of effort, as compared to like my whole life before, though i probably din't work half as hard as so many others in my section. 

my section is quite ok la. they covered my ass many times, are quite highly motivated also. but i feel like it wasn't as fun as the other sections in my platoon, maybe that's why i enjoyed interacting with ppl outside my section, sometimes outside my platoon also. it has always been like that though, same like in school. im quite a troublesome person, so maybe the less ppl are forced to do stuff with me, the better i can talk to them

yea i caused quite alot of problems for my section, such that at some point whenever i said something slightly weird (im not good at phrasing my ideas), i get alot of disagreeing comments and stuff, abit like how we usually speak to hema lol. yea maybe i was the hema of my section

at some point i did some funny things, so i usually wasn't excluded from the fun stuff, just that ppl dont talk to me as often as the others. its kind of like fun and not fun at the same time haha. mostly ppl din't dislike me cos of my personality, but mostly cos i was blur, screwed up shit, and said things in weird ways. so slowly i got accepted, even though they still treat me like a hema haha. 

towards the end, almost everyday something epic or retarded would happen in the coy. recruits night, oc night and all that was quite fun. and everyone started being more lax and finally talking more openly. it felt very very similar feeling to how school was like before we graduated, and then we all just start making all sorts of retarded jokes and pulling retarded stunts. yea i still do my super cold jokes in army. the reaction of everyone is still the same haha.

then finally came the route march. it was fking, fking tough for me, even though i slowly got better at march. i was quite optimistic at first, but it wasn't like the same old marches before where we can laugh and sing, be shag at the end, but sleep well on a bed at the end of the day. this march started off nice, with like changing scenery, then slowly it began to drag, and u feel like u suffered alot even though it was just 3km at a time.

din't sing much for this route march, but at least thankfully there were ppl talking around me, cos i wasn't very keen on talking when my shoulder felt like something was pressing in. but we tahan the pain for awhile, it went away, and just left a dull numbing ache that seemed to amplify just before we reach our rest point. many times i got annoyed and thought it was impossible that we haven't hit 3km yet, that they cheated us of the actual distance we had to march (even though now that i think about it, they have no point in making us suffer).

the changi road was quite bad. it was featureless and dragged on for so long, but at least i still had my energy and i din't feel so demoralised. then came the whole stretch of ecp, where we just slowly marched from area G all the way to the end of area B, and damn that one felt so long and tiring. we couldn't even go to the toilet sometimes cos the queue was so long, and the rest never felt enough. lastly, was the marina stretch. it was where all the pain came in, all the irritation in everyone started to come out, but because we could see the flyer slowly becoming bigger, we all had the mentality to just tahan, and tried to throw in one or two effed up songs that gave us abit more energy.

the most shiok part was when we reaced the highway of rochor road, the moon was damn pretty, the flyer and everything was damn pretty. and we could see the platform just directly ahead and below of us. i was kinda limping by then, cos my left leg was feeling quite weak. then we reached and had like very little time to eat and prepare our stuff before we have to move off again, right under the platform. there everyone just crashed cos it was so uncomfortable and tired.

when i woke up, the sky was suddenly much brighter, and then suddenly there's this POP energy u could see in everyone. there was quite alot of hype, and this parade was so different from the 7 rehearsals we did in tekong. then when it was time to throw the cap, i almost couldn't believe that i made it to that point, that i can actually throw my cap for real now. it felt really amazing to get to throw the cap haha. and that my BMT is now complete.

its a little bit sad to go though, even though i won't really miss my section as much as they would miss each other. but still, there were many fun times and i also quite liked our commanders, they were very interesting ppl after all. but of cos when there's one week of block leave in front of you, you'll just think that eff yea, time to celebrate haha. idrc what kind of posting i get next friday, but i feel quite proud that i completed BMT and it'll be quite a memorable thing for me to talk abou in years to come.