ok lol so that was what i have been doing for the past two days. actually i also found some blog directory website that can lead u to all kinds of different genres of blogs, like games, anime, hobbies. its actually damn interesting some of the blogs there. spent like 3+ hrs on it yesterday.
and yep i finally finished triple town, which is that random 'potato' game pin and boonchong keep saying it is. its not potatoes la o.o. but since i made the largest possible object, im just gonna quit the game lolz.
so yea i watched kimi ni todoke until episode 6. its really very innocent and sweet to watch. the main character's a bit too nice though, but anyway the plot starts forming at ep 3. plots actually really simple but makes u feel the emotions lolz. there's actually a character called pin in it :P. but anyway, not suitable for some people though, especially if they're unemphatising ppl like trolls :P
i also watched pandora hearts until episode 13. whao its seriously very good. must praise the creator of such a good plot. its like those kind of fantastic mindblowing content, yet not illogical like mirai nikki or bleach :P. i can safely say its the best anime i watched, but the starting was kinda confusing though. just saying if u really watch it dont get turned offed by the first episode cos its really worth watching.
haiz i think i can never end with all these obsessions lolz. that girl who wrote that blog is just as addicted as me and keeps showing good stuff. i think im gonna try bokura ga ita, and i dunno whether i shud give up on fate stay night... cos i stopped at first ep since it seemed kinda cliche.
ok sry for all that obsession up there. anyways, my parents actually told me i shud organise some sort of party lolz, so i dunno, i think i may be hosting a bbq soon, and i dont think id mind inviting all the random ppl, like ex-07 group, my class. ok maybe not further than that lolz. haha but i not sure if i shud advertise this somewhere. just see who is interested first :P
its definitely after this week cos quite alot of ppl are busy right now, alot of ppl are in japan right now T_T, and i dunno la see how see how XD. can mention in my tagboard if wanna comment or anything. ok bye~~
できた!thank goodness i tried :D
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
electronic chip
went to school at 11 for ARP yesterday. went to get solidworks on my comp, then after that we had to leave to eat lunch somewhere cos canteen not open. while we were going out, we saw bradley sitting there in the student lounge. apparently him, amelia and jia min are doing a physics ARP too. jm was late, so me, pin, boon chong, amelia and bradley went to NUS first.
since i missed the session last time, pin and boon chong decided to go to the studio first, and find their way to the canteen from there. but they still got lost anyway lol... ok so lets just say the design of the campus isnt very user friendly :P. but we finally found our way to the canteen after getting directions. the food there was damn good and not very ex. anyway our convos over lunch quite epic de, as usual :D
anyway, jm only came after we finished eating, that not long after we had to split up, cos they were meeting some other ppl at 2 while ours was at 1:30. this time we met andy (one of our professors) in his office to help him bring stuff over. was quite excited cos we finally got to see some coolio chip and some simple red led lolol. and he had this fan prototype thing, for another group though.
so after some short discussion of ideas again, this time we actually get to play with programming and 3D sketching. anyway, yx came not long after cos his group was also meeting them. their idea quite cool too. its some fan system that traps dust mites in the ceiling.
anyway, we learnt quite alot even though it was quite slack. as in we dint exactly learn much, but it was alot of new stuff. like i think by now i can make some simple simple body shape with solidworks cos they teached how to fix some object, rotate, move, and combine. while i was doing that, boon chong and pin were making the led on the electronic chip blink lolz. basically they just plucked out the entire program from the template, then play with the code to change the way it blinks. quite cool :D
at around 4, both our groups went to the lab inside the studio, and before we could use it next time we go there, we have to watch their safety videos. we thought the first one was quite retarded, cos the clip is damn old, and the american guy was talking very dramatically.
the second one was much worse man. the sound sucks, plus their accidents super fake, then they went to show some freakin gross pictures of injuries. but maybe thats the whole point. then the third was some standard safety clip.
anyway, after that we stayed there till about 6, then went home. D: i hate travelling from here to there and back. its like wasting 3 hours of my life everyday. so yep when i finally reached home i was damnnn tired. slept at 9 lol dint get to slack yesterday. ah well at least today i dint have to go to school again.
pin's now addicted to triple town cos of me lolol. haha ppl always introduce random games to me. ok anyway, im gonna try out kimi ni todoke. sounds kinda good according to my 'guide' blog lolz. ok bye~~
P.S. its amazing how one dream can highlight so many different things that u have been thinking about into one story lolz. even if its illogical.
i think im gonna try again. the rest simply depends on luck :D
pin's now addicted to triple town cos of me lolol. haha ppl always introduce random games to me. ok anyway, im gonna try out kimi ni todoke. sounds kinda good according to my 'guide' blog lolz. ok bye~~
P.S. its amazing how one dream can highlight so many different things that u have been thinking about into one story lolz. even if its illogical.
i think im gonna try again. the rest simply depends on luck :D
Monday, May 28, 2012
sultans of science
ok LOL that is so not an appropriate title...
went to science center today for tan kah kee thing. just view who won. i... overslept again. took mrt direct to jurong east instead of going to school and taking coach over. i called pin when i reached science center and next moment the coach stopped in front of me. good timing :P
anyway, at least this time the posters are much more interesting to read than SSEF posters. actually i cant really say that cos SSEF i cant even comprehend anything lolz. but anyway, got some really cool ideas, though they only got merit or encouragement, and some really weird ones, but actually won silver. no golds this year though...
after about 1 hour everyone kinda left and decided to go for macs. next to that place was some sultans of science thing lol. its some islamic science exhibition. we actually approach the guy and ask whether we could go in lolz. but cannot. so we just laughed lolz. i think that guy thinks we're interested just cos of the name, which we are actually heheh.
ate at macs (again). mcspicy (again). i think i love torturing myself with spicyness, but why is it like the only thing in macs that i think tastes good? no salad to buy though, or i would. and there was no shaker fries this time D:. but okay la we talked random crap over the table with ze lolz. he thinks we are all insane now heheh.
after that me, boonchong and pin went back to school cos boon chong left his stuff there and we might as well work on project. it was locked at first so we crashed the sc's room. lol the room is quite shiok le, even though its really messy heheh.
actually helped to move some stuff for them. how can they leave the huge bear on the floor :o. was expecting more photos though. but still i would want to be an sc heheh. if my conduct wasnt so bad. maybe i can be like the room caretaker or something :o. yea im crazy.
we got the whole design engineering lab to ourselves :D. it sucks that only yr 1 and 2 can use it la no fair. i mean they dont exactly do high level physics there, but still, its fun. we played around with solidworks. got damn frustrated at it lolz, cos the tutorial absolutely sucks. no guide one le. like click to add feature, and then they dint tell us how the rotate about centerline works.
but boon chong the pro managed to revolve a line by trying out, and from there, we slowly tried out how to make our 3D image of that msn icon thingy, which is what our buddy looks like. keep getting some glitch cannot rotate when we drew out our real icon though. took us like damn long to realise the center line cannot be touched more than twice, so when we got it, we were really jumping for joy lolz. took us like 2 hours to draw something like that :o. but hey its progress lolol.
maybe im rather high today, so our conversations were pretty interesting and retarded. anyway, tmr need go back to see some demo of another 3D sketching software as well as meet the professors again. lol i missed the last two i need to catch up heh.
ok so i watch pandora hearts until ep 7 and its damn GOOD. the plot is really interesting and unexpected, though i watched abit too many whacko animes to ever be fazed lolz. and yep i love the ending song of pandora hearts. here it is (if u'd bother to click lolz :D). time to learn how to read the lyrics and what it means lolz.
anyways, i think i suddenly got inspiration to learn jap again, cos i saw this girl holding a jap vocab list. ok thats a really stupid reason but i cant believe i dint think of just getting words and printing lolz. im gonna master it next year man. watch me :P. k bye nothing to say ler~~
i wish i could get someone who would want to go with me next year...
went to science center today for tan kah kee thing. just view who won. i... overslept again. took mrt direct to jurong east instead of going to school and taking coach over. i called pin when i reached science center and next moment the coach stopped in front of me. good timing :P
anyway, at least this time the posters are much more interesting to read than SSEF posters. actually i cant really say that cos SSEF i cant even comprehend anything lolz. but anyway, got some really cool ideas, though they only got merit or encouragement, and some really weird ones, but actually won silver. no golds this year though...
after about 1 hour everyone kinda left and decided to go for macs. next to that place was some sultans of science thing lol. its some islamic science exhibition. we actually approach the guy and ask whether we could go in lolz. but cannot. so we just laughed lolz. i think that guy thinks we're interested just cos of the name, which we are actually heheh.
ate at macs (again). mcspicy (again). i think i love torturing myself with spicyness, but why is it like the only thing in macs that i think tastes good? no salad to buy though, or i would. and there was no shaker fries this time D:. but okay la we talked random crap over the table with ze lolz. he thinks we are all insane now heheh.
after that me, boonchong and pin went back to school cos boon chong left his stuff there and we might as well work on project. it was locked at first so we crashed the sc's room. lol the room is quite shiok le, even though its really messy heheh.
actually helped to move some stuff for them. how can they leave the huge bear on the floor :o. was expecting more photos though. but still i would want to be an sc heheh. if my conduct wasnt so bad. maybe i can be like the room caretaker or something :o. yea im crazy.
we got the whole design engineering lab to ourselves :D. it sucks that only yr 1 and 2 can use it la no fair. i mean they dont exactly do high level physics there, but still, its fun. we played around with solidworks. got damn frustrated at it lolz, cos the tutorial absolutely sucks. no guide one le. like click to add feature, and then they dint tell us how the rotate about centerline works.
but boon chong the pro managed to revolve a line by trying out, and from there, we slowly tried out how to make our 3D image of that msn icon thingy, which is what our buddy looks like. keep getting some glitch cannot rotate when we drew out our real icon though. took us like damn long to realise the center line cannot be touched more than twice, so when we got it, we were really jumping for joy lolz. took us like 2 hours to draw something like that :o. but hey its progress lolol.
maybe im rather high today, so our conversations were pretty interesting and retarded. anyway, tmr need go back to see some demo of another 3D sketching software as well as meet the professors again. lol i missed the last two i need to catch up heh.
ok so i watch pandora hearts until ep 7 and its damn GOOD. the plot is really interesting and unexpected, though i watched abit too many whacko animes to ever be fazed lolz. and yep i love the ending song of pandora hearts. here it is (if u'd bother to click lolz :D). time to learn how to read the lyrics and what it means lolz.
anyways, i think i suddenly got inspiration to learn jap again, cos i saw this girl holding a jap vocab list. ok thats a really stupid reason but i cant believe i dint think of just getting words and printing lolz. im gonna master it next year man. watch me :P. k bye nothing to say ler~~
i wish i could get someone who would want to go with me next year...
watching videos over and over
lol i dunno whats wrong with me, but i just keep feeling like posting, even though for no apparent good reason :P.
so erm i wont be posting bout OCS ba. there's not much point actually, cos its not much different from 42 SAR, even though facilities are better. it looks much more comfortable than 42 SAR cos got aircon and 2 ppl rooms (aha hostel life in NS lolz). but the trip was still not as fun as 42 SAR, even though there was life firing, some award hall. i guess 42 SAR we experienced more, ate the food, rode the tanks. anyway the thing they had in common was when we came back everyone in school crashed heheh. its draining for some reason lolz.
anyway yesterday, other than going out for coffee (again lol), watched episode 4 and 5 of running man. damn funny lol i dont understand why ppl dun want watch from start. also watched pandora hearts till ep 3, and fate stay night ep 1. and spamming myself with anime opening songs lolz. pandora hearts opening and ending songs are quite nice.
i cant stand watching videos for more than 2 hours at one shot though, even though they feel more fun than playing games or watching tv. but hey there exist anime games and visual novels for a reason :D
only watched haiyore nyaruko till ep3 today lolz, and it beat all of the others above. its just damn feel good. even the first 5 min can capture ur attention liao :P. it starts of scary though lolz. first 2 eps were damn good actually. they were also the less perv episodes, but still damn perv www. anyway, even without the perv, the story is actually darn good. u shud watch it. at ur own risk :P
its damn hard to continue learning jap leh... i mean its really damn important to be able to speak to them, which i saw in simc. like why it took only 10 mins to break the ice with the cambourne students, but like damn long for the others... and jap trip is this wednesday. -regrets not sigining up- , and its not like i can crash it like SIMC lolz. must find someone nice to join me next year. must be able to speak jap by next year. できるよ!
anyway, i seriously think im the only bored person who'd post what i entertain myself on lolz. but hey its cool at least this time i dint spend the whole holidays on one thing only lolz. ok need go sch tmr sian >.< must wake up 7:30. hope i dont oversleep and pon the whole thing like last tuesday lolz. ok bye ~~
u're there, im sure of it. but i dont dare to say anything.
so erm i wont be posting bout OCS ba. there's not much point actually, cos its not much different from 42 SAR, even though facilities are better. it looks much more comfortable than 42 SAR cos got aircon and 2 ppl rooms (aha hostel life in NS lolz). but the trip was still not as fun as 42 SAR, even though there was life firing, some award hall. i guess 42 SAR we experienced more, ate the food, rode the tanks. anyway the thing they had in common was when we came back everyone in school crashed heheh. its draining for some reason lolz.
anyway yesterday, other than going out for coffee (again lol), watched episode 4 and 5 of running man. damn funny lol i dont understand why ppl dun want watch from start. also watched pandora hearts till ep 3, and fate stay night ep 1. and spamming myself with anime opening songs lolz. pandora hearts opening and ending songs are quite nice.
i cant stand watching videos for more than 2 hours at one shot though, even though they feel more fun than playing games or watching tv. but hey there exist anime games and visual novels for a reason :D
only watched haiyore nyaruko till ep3 today lolz, and it beat all of the others above. its just damn feel good. even the first 5 min can capture ur attention liao :P. it starts of scary though lolz. first 2 eps were damn good actually. they were also the less perv episodes, but still damn perv www. anyway, even without the perv, the story is actually darn good. u shud watch it. at ur own risk :P
its damn hard to continue learning jap leh... i mean its really damn important to be able to speak to them, which i saw in simc. like why it took only 10 mins to break the ice with the cambourne students, but like damn long for the others... and jap trip is this wednesday. -regrets not sigining up- , and its not like i can crash it like SIMC lolz. must find someone nice to join me next year. must be able to speak jap by next year. できるよ!
anyway, i seriously think im the only bored person who'd post what i entertain myself on lolz. but hey its cool at least this time i dint spend the whole holidays on one thing only lolz. ok need go sch tmr sian >.< must wake up 7:30. hope i dont oversleep and pon the whole thing like last tuesday lolz. ok bye ~~
u're there, im sure of it. but i dont dare to say anything.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
what to do for this holiday
ok so i guess i finally found something much more worthy to do this holiday. i seriously wasted my other holidays man. regrettttt D:
so like i used up maybe 4 big ones on anime that were too draggy, like bleach blehhh, and another 4 on games, some which are really retarded... so right now i really have very little time to watch the good stuff and all that. D:
i used to stay over at my cousin's house too, during holidays. like maybe live in for 3-4 days per holiday. when march and sep holidays used be less busy i did too. kinda stopped last year. maybe cos we're growing too old, but damn, i like living there, even though now it'll be rather awkward cos my cousin changed quite a bit already.
but its ok. by some sort of luck, i found some nice website telling me bout the nice anime to watch, and some anime cover playlist which i keep listening too cos the drummer is damn good. though it involves me not playing games lolz. and there's also running man, and fate zero, and bakamongatari... and the list goes on. i doubt i can stop playing games fully though. fingers crossed.
i think i kinda gave up on skyrim and napolean total war lolz. i mean whats the point hitting 100 in all ur skills, or conquering the world, when everything repeats once i reach one quarter of the way there. so yep i guess i gave those up. but warband is addictive D:. its bloody hard lor, cos i dunno la, cannot finish one. sianz i hope i actually watch more anime this holiday lolz.
and damn there's now an ARP to work on. i have a motivated and unmotivated mode, which means sometimes im damn enthu and can think of good ideas, but sometimes i dont feel like waking up early and travelling there. its kinda painful, kay? 1.5 hours there and another back. ouch.
anyway i finished reading TCAST and started watching pandora heats :D, so i guess maybe i wont be wasting my time on retarded stuff. actually yes im wasting my time >.<, but im in high school. we're supposed to be young and reckless lol :P
ok i just realised how retarded this post is... bye >.<
echo. lolz
so like i used up maybe 4 big ones on anime that were too draggy, like bleach blehhh, and another 4 on games, some which are really retarded... so right now i really have very little time to watch the good stuff and all that. D:
i used to stay over at my cousin's house too, during holidays. like maybe live in for 3-4 days per holiday. when march and sep holidays used be less busy i did too. kinda stopped last year. maybe cos we're growing too old, but damn, i like living there, even though now it'll be rather awkward cos my cousin changed quite a bit already.
but its ok. by some sort of luck, i found some nice website telling me bout the nice anime to watch, and some anime cover playlist which i keep listening too cos the drummer is damn good. though it involves me not playing games lolz. and there's also running man, and fate zero, and bakamongatari... and the list goes on. i doubt i can stop playing games fully though. fingers crossed.
i think i kinda gave up on skyrim and napolean total war lolz. i mean whats the point hitting 100 in all ur skills, or conquering the world, when everything repeats once i reach one quarter of the way there. so yep i guess i gave those up. but warband is addictive D:. its bloody hard lor, cos i dunno la, cannot finish one. sianz i hope i actually watch more anime this holiday lolz.
and damn there's now an ARP to work on. i have a motivated and unmotivated mode, which means sometimes im damn enthu and can think of good ideas, but sometimes i dont feel like waking up early and travelling there. its kinda painful, kay? 1.5 hours there and another back. ouch.
anyway i finished reading TCAST and started watching pandora heats :D, so i guess maybe i wont be wasting my time on retarded stuff. actually yes im wasting my time >.<, but im in high school. we're supposed to be young and reckless lol :P
ok i just realised how retarded this post is... bye >.<
echo. lolz
crashing the last day of SIMC
im a crazy person. though u prolly knew that alr.
so firstly, due to some sort of luck, i actually got an opportunity to see what SIMC is like even though i did not sign up as helper at all lolz.
i went to sch early this morning. early cos i was curious about what was going on in sch. but turns out nobody was there. in fact they just set off for their amazing race, which i just knew about after that lolz.
i was mainly supposed to collect my last laundry which i forgot to bring home, as well as a few things i dint bring home, and to check out of hostel. dint know what made me want to go MBS lolz, cos thats where their first station was. but yea i actually did lolz. it was frustrating though, i had to change mrt line 3 times to get to bayfront.
got out at bayfront. initially got lost at MBS shopping mall. i couldnt find the way out >.<. its so huge and its like first time ive been there lol. felt like a tourist in fact.
when i finally made out by asking for directions, they were doing some station at the helix bridge, which i also never been to before (i know i have no life). but anyway, they were playing rather interesting games. one was each group member of a group have to take a photo with different pose in some sort of frame. not hard, and its actually kinda cute lolz. some of the photos there were quite epic :P
not going to search for photos now though. it might still not be there, or whatever. i think ill repost by adding pictures, if u'd bother reading the repost lolz.
they also played some picture guess game where a few members go to some platform about 10+ m away, so they are seperated over the sea and have to guess what picture the other side is drawing. quite cool lolz.
so it happens that pin is the only photographer for that route. basically there are 15 groups and 5 for each route, and there's only one photographer for each route lol. so basically im an auxilliary helper :D. im like a substitute SLO though they dint need one, and also later helped take photos, even though they dint really need it lolz. which means i do nothing and just enjoy the thing :P
anyway, they moved on to YOG park to play chapteh, which was actually really hard for them. even i cant do more than two most of the time, though i did an epic combo of 7 with mr game, where we kinda flew everywhere :D. i remember that guy from day 0 (at the airport). he is so interesting :D
so after every station there's a clue, but this one was kinda screwed cos its dx/dt = 1. dont ever give that clue to math students. they just overthink it. some people were like x = t LOL. that wasnt the point. basically the clue is formula one, and dx/dt is also velocity, which hints f1, but still damn hard to guess lolz.
then to f1 to do some really simple task. i dont even know whats it supposed to be. then went to flyer foodcourt to eat. we jaywalked a couple of times, even though army open house was there :P. but zzz, even some of the army dudes jaywalked lol. so they cant say anything :P
after lunch, and a few photos, the group i was following, group 2, which i kinda stuck to the whole time, was kinda late. we were last to leave. anyway, we reached esplanade, where there were photos of different places there, and we have to go find the place, take photo, and spot the difference. but there were decoys!
there was a photo of a lift (the capacity weight and number of ppl), so the teachers in the group, mr game, and the taiwan teacher were damn funny. they were taking photos of the thing in the lift lol. the other ppl using the lift were like sniggering :P. the security guard was like what the heck are we doing lolol.
anyway, we kinda blew through that station rather quickly, maybe abit due to rong's cheating, cos she knew where the places were located, so she just pointed in the direction where there are alot to find. after that we went outside and took group photos of the fun sign. jumpshot nobody got power though lol.
made our way to merlion park, which is just across the bridge from esplanade. there was lack of time already though, so dint get to do the station, which was a taboo game (aha class outing). there was a chance to take retarded photos, but they dint seem to know how to make fun poses though, so sigh... nvm ba lolz.
last station was padang, which was a long walk, and by the time we reached there, everyone was kinda beat already. at least the end had some sort of amazing race feel to it, and fong shi yi (yr 4 nobel vice captain i think) was dressed as flight stewardess lolz. actually suits her quite well leh...
thing about the amazing races our sch organises is that nobody does the side tasks, even though they're very fun. we did one at the end though, since we had to wait for other groups from all routes anyway. did the simc 2012 one. was kinda fun getting them to do it actually. ok so photos arent out yet. i mean it just ended anyway...
haiz it was quite fun pretending to be and SLO haha. even though obviously i dont seem to be like one.
fell asleep on the bus back, then woke up at tembusu lol. the lobby is damn nice le, like some hotel like that. even the hostel the design outside makes u think its some condo and there's a swimming pool nearby lol. then i realised its just next to u town starbucks lolol. walked back to sch with png.
went for the closing ceremony. i ended up being auxilliary photographer haha. was kinda tiring and cold though, but at least got something to do ba. usher quite sad they have to stand at the door just to guide ppl went they go out of audi or when they are being led to stage. anyway, after all the prize presentation, where north carolina won, they explained the problem.
the problem dint sound hard when they said it, but omg whats with the solutions. freakin mindblown lolz. but it did make sense, some of it. i like the chief judge. he keeps making really funny jokes lolz. cool dude :P
after that went to eat buffet food. even the students one is not bad. it looks like homecooked food, but it tastes really good, especially the veg and fish. sick of hostel veg already, cos its always so screwed in some way. im not sure i actually deserved the food though :P
the farewell party is no short of crazy though. i liked the first part, where dice played, then the australian guy with long hair went up and shook his hair like some rock star, turning the whole crowd wild haha. the french guy with locks also went to join him.
they did it for quite long though. the australian guys face was kinda red and he actually nosebled during the third or fourth song though. but anyway dice really improve quite a bit now.
after that it was some sexy dance from yr 6 though. jiamin described it as a skanky dance. ok not skanks, but it was kinda disturbing though lolz. after that there was minus^2 doing some hip hop as usual.
then it got even wilder when it was about to end, and ppl all went to the stage to dance. they even put disco lights, and when they added the dry ice, it was kinda cool though. i was actually up there just joining in, but when the dry ice came, i couldnt see much and it gave some sort of hallucinatory feel. really creepy lololz.
then they all started gathering in a circle and a few ppl go into the center and start showing some cool moves that really hypes up the entire crowd. it was really wild though. i was actually kinda taken aback cos they danced like there was no tomorrow or something. completely mindblown man.
well even though i dint really relish in the fun by jumping around crazily, like almost all of them were, i could feel they were really happy to be here, at least most of them. in fact, the super hyped-up ending prolly made it really memorable to them, albeit abit insane, but still, wow. i think they really enjoyed being here. thanks goodness i was here to at least experience this part of SIMC.
anyway, it ended at abt 9:30. siao de im supposed to be back home at 10:00, but yes im crazy. right im blogging right now, at abt 1:30. i really am crazy lolz. even though i just missed the whole day and dint finish my ca articles. D:
ok so we HAD to clear EVERYTHING, which means i brought back quite a bit more than i expected, and my bag couldn't store it. which means i have no choice but to car back. i mean who carries a bolster around MRT lolol. helped pin as his room service lol. bring down his stuff for him while he packed. took forever lol. he finally finished at like 11:30 and i hitched a rather thrilling and freaky ride back home from his dad's powerful bmw lolz.
surprisingly im not dead now, maybe cos my mum actually fell asleep. wow lucky. so i guess the day has been wonderful. kinda shows how a little bit of enthusiasm can pay off so much. in fact, being SC/SL is actually super fun. they're like the group who actually knows what awesome high school life is about, but sigh my conduct zah... but haha enthusiasm does pay off in the end :D
i think i need to go back sch at least twice next week lolz. just when i finally got accustomed to having time to slack. i realised there's so many things to do that im actually out of holidays in my high school life to ever accomplish them. damn i wasted like my past 4 years of holidays on unworthy stuff. sighs...
so yep maybe i wouldnt be able to sleep early today again. i tried yesterday ok, but it took me 3 hours to fall asleep. i guess reading an amazing visual novel doesnt help before sleep though. and happy thoughts. i wasnt cursing that i couldnt sleep, cos the thoughts made me kinda happy heheh. ok la enough for this post le. bye~~
if thinking was enough to make me happy, i wonder what it'll be like when it actually happens in real life :P
so firstly, due to some sort of luck, i actually got an opportunity to see what SIMC is like even though i did not sign up as helper at all lolz.
i went to sch early this morning. early cos i was curious about what was going on in sch. but turns out nobody was there. in fact they just set off for their amazing race, which i just knew about after that lolz.
i was mainly supposed to collect my last laundry which i forgot to bring home, as well as a few things i dint bring home, and to check out of hostel. dint know what made me want to go MBS lolz, cos thats where their first station was. but yea i actually did lolz. it was frustrating though, i had to change mrt line 3 times to get to bayfront.
got out at bayfront. initially got lost at MBS shopping mall. i couldnt find the way out >.<. its so huge and its like first time ive been there lol. felt like a tourist in fact.
when i finally made out by asking for directions, they were doing some station at the helix bridge, which i also never been to before (i know i have no life). but anyway, they were playing rather interesting games. one was each group member of a group have to take a photo with different pose in some sort of frame. not hard, and its actually kinda cute lolz. some of the photos there were quite epic :P
not going to search for photos now though. it might still not be there, or whatever. i think ill repost by adding pictures, if u'd bother reading the repost lolz.
they also played some picture guess game where a few members go to some platform about 10+ m away, so they are seperated over the sea and have to guess what picture the other side is drawing. quite cool lolz.
so it happens that pin is the only photographer for that route. basically there are 15 groups and 5 for each route, and there's only one photographer for each route lol. so basically im an auxilliary helper :D. im like a substitute SLO though they dint need one, and also later helped take photos, even though they dint really need it lolz. which means i do nothing and just enjoy the thing :P
anyway, they moved on to YOG park to play chapteh, which was actually really hard for them. even i cant do more than two most of the time, though i did an epic combo of 7 with mr game, where we kinda flew everywhere :D. i remember that guy from day 0 (at the airport). he is so interesting :D
so after every station there's a clue, but this one was kinda screwed cos its dx/dt = 1. dont ever give that clue to math students. they just overthink it. some people were like x = t LOL. that wasnt the point. basically the clue is formula one, and dx/dt is also velocity, which hints f1, but still damn hard to guess lolz.
then to f1 to do some really simple task. i dont even know whats it supposed to be. then went to flyer foodcourt to eat. we jaywalked a couple of times, even though army open house was there :P. but zzz, even some of the army dudes jaywalked lol. so they cant say anything :P
after lunch, and a few photos, the group i was following, group 2, which i kinda stuck to the whole time, was kinda late. we were last to leave. anyway, we reached esplanade, where there were photos of different places there, and we have to go find the place, take photo, and spot the difference. but there were decoys!
there was a photo of a lift (the capacity weight and number of ppl), so the teachers in the group, mr game, and the taiwan teacher were damn funny. they were taking photos of the thing in the lift lol. the other ppl using the lift were like sniggering :P. the security guard was like what the heck are we doing lolol.
anyway, we kinda blew through that station rather quickly, maybe abit due to rong's cheating, cos she knew where the places were located, so she just pointed in the direction where there are alot to find. after that we went outside and took group photos of the fun sign. jumpshot nobody got power though lol.
made our way to merlion park, which is just across the bridge from esplanade. there was lack of time already though, so dint get to do the station, which was a taboo game (aha class outing). there was a chance to take retarded photos, but they dint seem to know how to make fun poses though, so sigh... nvm ba lolz.
last station was padang, which was a long walk, and by the time we reached there, everyone was kinda beat already. at least the end had some sort of amazing race feel to it, and fong shi yi (yr 4 nobel vice captain i think) was dressed as flight stewardess lolz. actually suits her quite well leh...
thing about the amazing races our sch organises is that nobody does the side tasks, even though they're very fun. we did one at the end though, since we had to wait for other groups from all routes anyway. did the simc 2012 one. was kinda fun getting them to do it actually. ok so photos arent out yet. i mean it just ended anyway...
haiz it was quite fun pretending to be and SLO haha. even though obviously i dont seem to be like one.
fell asleep on the bus back, then woke up at tembusu lol. the lobby is damn nice le, like some hotel like that. even the hostel the design outside makes u think its some condo and there's a swimming pool nearby lol. then i realised its just next to u town starbucks lolol. walked back to sch with png.
went for the closing ceremony. i ended up being auxilliary photographer haha. was kinda tiring and cold though, but at least got something to do ba. usher quite sad they have to stand at the door just to guide ppl went they go out of audi or when they are being led to stage. anyway, after all the prize presentation, where north carolina won, they explained the problem.
the problem dint sound hard when they said it, but omg whats with the solutions. freakin mindblown lolz. but it did make sense, some of it. i like the chief judge. he keeps making really funny jokes lolz. cool dude :P
after that went to eat buffet food. even the students one is not bad. it looks like homecooked food, but it tastes really good, especially the veg and fish. sick of hostel veg already, cos its always so screwed in some way. im not sure i actually deserved the food though :P
the farewell party is no short of crazy though. i liked the first part, where dice played, then the australian guy with long hair went up and shook his hair like some rock star, turning the whole crowd wild haha. the french guy with locks also went to join him.
they did it for quite long though. the australian guys face was kinda red and he actually nosebled during the third or fourth song though. but anyway dice really improve quite a bit now.
after that it was some sexy dance from yr 6 though. jiamin described it as a skanky dance. ok not skanks, but it was kinda disturbing though lolz. after that there was minus^2 doing some hip hop as usual.
then it got even wilder when it was about to end, and ppl all went to the stage to dance. they even put disco lights, and when they added the dry ice, it was kinda cool though. i was actually up there just joining in, but when the dry ice came, i couldnt see much and it gave some sort of hallucinatory feel. really creepy lololz.
then they all started gathering in a circle and a few ppl go into the center and start showing some cool moves that really hypes up the entire crowd. it was really wild though. i was actually kinda taken aback cos they danced like there was no tomorrow or something. completely mindblown man.
well even though i dint really relish in the fun by jumping around crazily, like almost all of them were, i could feel they were really happy to be here, at least most of them. in fact, the super hyped-up ending prolly made it really memorable to them, albeit abit insane, but still, wow. i think they really enjoyed being here. thanks goodness i was here to at least experience this part of SIMC.
anyway, it ended at abt 9:30. siao de im supposed to be back home at 10:00, but yes im crazy. right im blogging right now, at abt 1:30. i really am crazy lolz. even though i just missed the whole day and dint finish my ca articles. D:
ok so we HAD to clear EVERYTHING, which means i brought back quite a bit more than i expected, and my bag couldn't store it. which means i have no choice but to car back. i mean who carries a bolster around MRT lolol. helped pin as his room service lol. bring down his stuff for him while he packed. took forever lol. he finally finished at like 11:30 and i hitched a rather thrilling and freaky ride back home from his dad's powerful bmw lolz.
surprisingly im not dead now, maybe cos my mum actually fell asleep. wow lucky. so i guess the day has been wonderful. kinda shows how a little bit of enthusiasm can pay off so much. in fact, being SC/SL is actually super fun. they're like the group who actually knows what awesome high school life is about, but sigh my conduct zah... but haha enthusiasm does pay off in the end :D
i think i need to go back sch at least twice next week lolz. just when i finally got accustomed to having time to slack. i realised there's so many things to do that im actually out of holidays in my high school life to ever accomplish them. damn i wasted like my past 4 years of holidays on unworthy stuff. sighs...
so yep maybe i wouldnt be able to sleep early today again. i tried yesterday ok, but it took me 3 hours to fall asleep. i guess reading an amazing visual novel doesnt help before sleep though. and happy thoughts. i wasnt cursing that i couldnt sleep, cos the thoughts made me kinda happy heheh. ok la enough for this post le. bye~~
if thinking was enough to make me happy, i wonder what it'll be like when it actually happens in real life :P
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
intercluster bridge
lolol posting this so late
so basically last week tuesday, we had some english workshop in the morning. the thing was quite boring but the movies shown were quite good actually.
after that it ended at around 11:30. was supposed to go NUS for the ARP thing but then the delivery woman from tees maniac came late. and seeu kun was supposedly busy as she is backup mc for simc, and ruth had cluster outing, so i was supposed to handle it. ended up i left my phone is hostel cos no batt need charge >.< . thank goodness simc rehearsal ended really early though. so seeu kun was there to help.
so while the rest chilled out in the classroom (the air-con was on), we waited until like 2+ before the woman came, then we realised she was just there to give us sample shirts to try out and see the sizes :o.
anyway, slacked off until dinner time. there was intercluster bridge i was really excited lolz. then after that i realised my name wasnt in the list, cos i dint register >.< . damn dumb le. thank goodness i replaced pradeep hehe, so i help them earn participation points. doesn't matter actually, cos our cluster only 1 point from jookee lolz.
anyway, the first round was really good. i was really lucky first round, but i was being damn ... how to say. basically i was really excited and being really obvious lolz. won with damn nice points though. i got 16+4+1. 16 from bidding 4 and succeeding, cos when u bid ur points is ur bid number squared, and if u dint bid, ur points is how many tricks ur opponent lost by. so i was smiling over to jiamin and pin they all, who were like the last guys in the canteen lolz.
round 2 i was quite sad though. i just got pretty normal hands, but i got sabo-ed real bad by the vietnamese girl. bid 3, lost by 4 sets -.-. grah 16 points man... if played properly would be losing by only 4 points, which means my final points 9 will be greater than ahmad's 8. then the winner would have been someone different lolz. whatever, got kicked out but at least the last round i won 9 points to make up for failing twice >.<
jookee also got outed in second round due to russell lolz, but actually his mistake wasnt that big lor. my partner's mistakes cost me like 12 points, no joke man. felecia actually got into next round lolz. apparently the night before after class outing she was practising for bridge lolol. mugger :P
but for the semifinals there was only 4 vacancies while there were 6 ppl for one table. so the lowest 4 in points had to compete again, just 1 round only. not really a fair way to choose. anyway, it was yx, jazlene, mr tan (rui feng) and felecia, and she lost cos she had 3 aces only, but dint get called by jazlene, whose diamonds were very strong. so ouch. she was quite upset for a period of time. actually most of us were actually. i was quite stressed out in the game and 20 minutes after that lolz.
so all of us losers went to the losers table to play lolz. was surprised nicole was kicked out first round. the rest of us lost in second round. spent the rest of the time playing and talking lolz, until like 10. winner was ahmad. but aha what if i kicked him out in that second round? then the winner would be different liao lolz. whatever la, play for fun lolz.
anyway, went back hostel, bathed, and went to kian wee's room to play jap mahjong (shhh >.<). feels so good playing real jap mahjong. we were arguing about the rules and all that though lolz. but was quite shiok. i won seldomly, but usually big win heheh. i got like 4 dora kan and a all pong hand, so i fake pong to freak them out cos i was waiting for last tile already. hehe so fun lolz :P
ok i have an urge to end with something sian, but ill choose not too. so bye ~~
just realised how misunderstood ppl could be after reading their blogs. everyone has their own story...
so basically last week tuesday, we had some english workshop in the morning. the thing was quite boring but the movies shown were quite good actually.
after that it ended at around 11:30. was supposed to go NUS for the ARP thing but then the delivery woman from tees maniac came late. and seeu kun was supposedly busy as she is backup mc for simc, and ruth had cluster outing, so i was supposed to handle it. ended up i left my phone is hostel cos no batt need charge >.< . thank goodness simc rehearsal ended really early though. so seeu kun was there to help.
so while the rest chilled out in the classroom (the air-con was on), we waited until like 2+ before the woman came, then we realised she was just there to give us sample shirts to try out and see the sizes :o.
anyway, slacked off until dinner time. there was intercluster bridge i was really excited lolz. then after that i realised my name wasnt in the list, cos i dint register >.< . damn dumb le. thank goodness i replaced pradeep hehe, so i help them earn participation points. doesn't matter actually, cos our cluster only 1 point from jookee lolz.
anyway, the first round was really good. i was really lucky first round, but i was being damn ... how to say. basically i was really excited and being really obvious lolz. won with damn nice points though. i got 16+4+1. 16 from bidding 4 and succeeding, cos when u bid ur points is ur bid number squared, and if u dint bid, ur points is how many tricks ur opponent lost by. so i was smiling over to jiamin and pin they all, who were like the last guys in the canteen lolz.
round 2 i was quite sad though. i just got pretty normal hands, but i got sabo-ed real bad by the vietnamese girl. bid 3, lost by 4 sets -.-. grah 16 points man... if played properly would be losing by only 4 points, which means my final points 9 will be greater than ahmad's 8. then the winner would have been someone different lolz. whatever, got kicked out but at least the last round i won 9 points to make up for failing twice >.<
jookee also got outed in second round due to russell lolz, but actually his mistake wasnt that big lor. my partner's mistakes cost me like 12 points, no joke man. felecia actually got into next round lolz. apparently the night before after class outing she was practising for bridge lolol. mugger :P
but for the semifinals there was only 4 vacancies while there were 6 ppl for one table. so the lowest 4 in points had to compete again, just 1 round only. not really a fair way to choose. anyway, it was yx, jazlene, mr tan (rui feng) and felecia, and she lost cos she had 3 aces only, but dint get called by jazlene, whose diamonds were very strong. so ouch. she was quite upset for a period of time. actually most of us were actually. i was quite stressed out in the game and 20 minutes after that lolz.
so all of us losers went to the losers table to play lolz. was surprised nicole was kicked out first round. the rest of us lost in second round. spent the rest of the time playing and talking lolz, until like 10. winner was ahmad. but aha what if i kicked him out in that second round? then the winner would be different liao lolz. whatever la, play for fun lolz.
anyway, went back hostel, bathed, and went to kian wee's room to play jap mahjong (shhh >.<). feels so good playing real jap mahjong. we were arguing about the rules and all that though lolz. but was quite shiok. i won seldomly, but usually big win heheh. i got like 4 dora kan and a all pong hand, so i fake pong to freak them out cos i was waiting for last tile already. hehe so fun lolz :P
ok i have an urge to end with something sian, but ill choose not too. so bye ~~
just realised how misunderstood ppl could be after reading their blogs. everyone has their own story...
hard to blog
so despite having quite a few things i wanna blog about, it kinda got ruined cos of a bad day that kinda go against what i wanted to say before that happened. aha im being so cryptic.
being at home sucks. maybe ive said it before, but why dint i register for SIMC? not my fault actually. i knew i never would have thought of registering, but how was i suppose to know it was so fun. D: nevermind ba just hear ppl talk about it lor. cant do anything anyway.
anyway, its hard to say, but im a complete wreck at home. i just ruin my health and myself by staying up late, waking up late, and feeling so sick of being at home all the time. i just cant help it. i dunno why im like this at home. its like i become the complete opposite of me in hostel. its really disturbing. i feel like i dont deserve anything good cos my conduct here is so damn bad. oh god im ranting...
i feel really disturbed posting this, but urh, at least after this i shud be able to continue blogging properly liao...
its amazing how a little bit of luck and chance can make such a big change on someone's life. maybe its called fate
being at home sucks. maybe ive said it before, but why dint i register for SIMC? not my fault actually. i knew i never would have thought of registering, but how was i suppose to know it was so fun. D: nevermind ba just hear ppl talk about it lor. cant do anything anyway.
anyway, its hard to say, but im a complete wreck at home. i just ruin my health and myself by staying up late, waking up late, and feeling so sick of being at home all the time. i just cant help it. i dunno why im like this at home. its like i become the complete opposite of me in hostel. its really disturbing. i feel like i dont deserve anything good cos my conduct here is so damn bad. oh god im ranting...
i feel really disturbed posting this, but urh, at least after this i shud be able to continue blogging properly liao...
its amazing how a little bit of luck and chance can make such a big change on someone's life. maybe its called fate
Saturday, May 19, 2012
the second 504 outing
monday was an awesome day, really. to be honest, i wasnt really sure it could work out, cos i only started mass smsing on the saturday before. it was even harder to decide what to do and stuff. i was kinda panicking cos i felt like nobody was helping to make sure this would work, but it was just what i felt la.
i felt abit awkward making some slightly forceful decisions, but anyway, it worked out really well in the end, even though the plan was changed during the outing itself lolz.
and the t-shirts design was also rushed on sunday. it wasnt very appealing at first actually, but i dint say anything cos they spent so much time on it.
looks kinda messy right
then felecia actually went to do something about it and handwritten in all the names
looks really amazing now. cant wait to get the shirt :D
so yep on the day itself, we confirmed that 17 ppl could go while, nic,yufong, glenn, lowell, yiyi, samantha, clara and simin couldnt. even myat went lolz.
i was really excited that morning. was smiling like a dork when 13 of us met at the hostel downstairs. the other 4 would go there directly. felt kinda weird cos it was a school day and there's this bunch of ppl not wearing school u while everyone else was slacking in the canteen lol.
so we set off to marina square. originally it was tanjong pagar, but the tees maniac person said she'll come personally to our school cos it's more convenient. so yep we reached there 10 mins early cos we left at 10:10 from our school. no harm having extra time lol :P
we walked around at marina square for god knows how long. i dunno why but it felt like 20-30 minutes before we actually reached the square lolz. i had to run back to meet with ruth and zhenjie cos they came slightly later. they weren't late. its just us that was early.
when we met up again, our class still hasn't decided where to eat lolz. in fact they were playing around with the carousel :o. actually i can fit on the horse, even though its freakin embarassing. and jordan seems like he'll just crush the whole thing XD. only felecia seemed to fit there lololol. too bad no photos there.
anyway, we decided to just eat at a food court. it was supposedly high class, but it was there just to scam our money D: $6 bucks for some kimchi ramen which was actually some instant noodle cooked with an induction cooker. zhen jie one also quite scam. $5 for two egg pratas.
going to the food court
laughing at random things :D
and if u havent noticed yet, i suck at handling spicy food. so i was the second last to finish my food. guess who's the last lol XD
we're supposed to decide where to go during the lunch since not many wanted bowling, which was the original plan. they dint want pool either. so they chose kbox. at first i was kinda reluctant, but then i realised it probably be more bonding than bowling. so we went and spent $14. heartpain at first, cos i tot i wouldnt be singing much lolz.
when we first went in there, it was really cold lolz, so i kinda wrapped myself up like some dunno what. and yep i was too awkward to sing, so i let the pro-er singers next to me sing. yuhan is really not bad leh. felecia sometimes says random things into the mike though hehe.
yea the photo's not so good cos it was dark
dunno what prompted them to choose this song lol...
there was another one called rice and curry, and lets just say it sounds really retarded lol...
but anyway, halfway i actually went to sing some of the songs. i recognise alot of the melodies of the chinese songs, cos i always indirectly hear the music my sis listens to last time. while she was still a student. so i know quite a bit of s.h.e. songs and a few others. was actually enjoying myself singing haha.
my voice wasnt particularly good though, cos sometimes its too low for me, so i try sing one octave higher. but i stupidly went to drink milo dinosaur, so i wasnt able to sing high notes either. or more like it took a lot of effort. but i actually felt tired singing some songs lolz. apparently for girls when they get phlegm, they can still sing high but cant sing low. opposite from guys.
some of us were quite sian there. i think myat found it terribly boring, and some guys also found it kinda sian. i actually enjoyed myself even though i tot id get bored halfway lol. boon xin definitely enjoyed it the most. she was like doing some sort of dance in front of weiqi to attract her attention lolz. it was like someone spiked her drink with drugs lol. so retarded XD.
anyway, it felt like we were there for damn long, just like the ice-skating one. towards the end everyone got kinda high. some songs the whole class kinda sang out loud. we spammed songs at the end cos not enough time left lolz, so just sing past the chorus and next one liao.
anyway, we took a class photo outside
its our new group cover picture now :D
so this was when our class outing was supposed to end. but not many really wanted it to end then. some ppl dint expect it to be extended so they went off la, but it was only 3:20 when we ended, and it was still kinda early, so we were discussing where to go. in the end we decided mindcafe, and there happened to be one in funan, which was walkable from there. took us about 30 minutes to reach there though lolz.
so in case u dint know what mindcafe is, basically u sit there, buy drinks and play board games at the same time. so at first we played some taboo game, where there are two teams and four different kind of cards. basically the more cards u clear before the sand in the hourglass runs out, the better.
first one was just simply try guess the word they write there but a few words are banned as stated in the card. second one was drawing and see who would guess the three different things in the card. the third type of card was the most epic though.
basically in the package there's a soft toy with really flexible limbs and ur card has three different actions like volleyball, or doing a benchpress, or tripping over something. we weren't able to say anything, so we had to make the puppet do it, and the rest of the team members must guess what the person controlling the puppet is trying to say. its bloody difficult lor lolz.
most of the time ppl cant get more than one card completed, so we were stuck in some region where we keep have to do this challenge. quite epic, cos like the puppet keeps getting abused and we have no idea what is going on. quite stressful too :D. from felecia was quite epic cos she just kept shouting and swearing lolz, then times up.
after that we realised we only have about 40 minutes left so we changed to some word game. basically there's a bomb that can go off anytime from 10-60 seconds, and there's a card with like yd or something, and ur supposed to think of words that contain those letters, like daydream. basically its like pass the parcel with more stress lolz. was really fun playing it.
we did it such that whoever kena boomed have to play truth or dare lolz. yu han got boomed like three times, so we were like asking which girl he likes, and which guy he likes, cos he hinted there were so many he needs to actually think lol. o.o truly a guai shu shu hehe.
some other ppl also kena truth. anyway, im just saying kian wee can be reassured :P. bryan wong cannot though lolz.
anyway, i also got boomed, but i chose dare, cos im a chicken :P. nah some things are just inconvenient to say hehe. so yep i got made to drink something.
my reluctant face drinking fruit punch with creamer >.<
(and jordan's evil face tsskkk -.-)
it dint taste that bad actually lolz. though when the creamer got suspended in the drink, it got really disgusting :o. i got boomed a second time and they add coke to that mixture. haiz my health... actually i shudnt be so worried. its like drinking punch, then drinking coke, then eating a bit of creamer. so nothing is actually wrong lolz.
after that it was 6 so it was time to leave. we got them to help us take class photos :D
i dunno why they suggested to do that lol :P
so there were 10 of us left and it was already 6, but we were still not done sia XD. yx and zhen jie came from home, so they had to go home and retrieve their other stuff. the rest of us took mrt to clementi mall, cos we were too full to eat there and then. or maybe it was the drink screwing our stomachs up XD.
so anyway, when we were at clementi mall, we took forever to decide where to eat. almost had to resort to splitting up. personally i wanted to eat jap food so badly, at the ajisen there. in the end we actually got the remaining 8 to eat there, though i had to treat jordan $4 lolz.
i felt hungry then, but i knew i couldnt finish too much anyway, plus i had a cluster supper at $10, and since felecia never finishes her food (:P), we decided to buy one good ramen and split cost. of course seperate bowl la lolz.
anyway, we bought spicy cha shu ramen, but aha its spicy, so i gave all the chilli to her lol. eh btw she ate a surprisingly lot le XD. i think she actually finished half of it lolz, so i dint exactly zhuan dao lolz. even got some white fish ala carte which was really crispy and tasty. was damn satisfying and comfortable after i finished.
another group photo outside lolz
met up zhen jie and simin on the bus, who went out with aisyah and meizhen lol. coincidencental.
when we finally went back to school, it was already 9, but we still wanted to like sit somewhere until like roll-call time. unfortunately, both tv room and games room occupied. bo bian have to split lor...
so yea our cluster had fajitas for cluster supper, made by loo and russian. apparently they have done this before last time. it tastes better on its own rather than wrapped actually, but that way we would have finished it very fast. also had chips and drinks and bradley's mum's salsa, which we all know is heavenly with chips.
and it was then that i also missed roll-call and got this accursed hourly report, which is why im still in school now lolz. but yea i thoroughly enjoyed that day ^^. never had such a full-day class outing before. also made our wallets rather much lighter heheh. but it was worth it.
ok bye this post has been rather long liao heheh.
which is why im reluctant for school to end
i felt abit awkward making some slightly forceful decisions, but anyway, it worked out really well in the end, even though the plan was changed during the outing itself lolz.
and the t-shirts design was also rushed on sunday. it wasnt very appealing at first actually, but i dint say anything cos they spent so much time on it.

looks kinda messy right
then felecia actually went to do something about it and handwritten in all the names

looks really amazing now. cant wait to get the shirt :D
so yep on the day itself, we confirmed that 17 ppl could go while, nic,yufong, glenn, lowell, yiyi, samantha, clara and simin couldnt. even myat went lolz.
i was really excited that morning. was smiling like a dork when 13 of us met at the hostel downstairs. the other 4 would go there directly. felt kinda weird cos it was a school day and there's this bunch of ppl not wearing school u while everyone else was slacking in the canteen lol.
so we set off to marina square. originally it was tanjong pagar, but the tees maniac person said she'll come personally to our school cos it's more convenient. so yep we reached there 10 mins early cos we left at 10:10 from our school. no harm having extra time lol :P
we walked around at marina square for god knows how long. i dunno why but it felt like 20-30 minutes before we actually reached the square lolz. i had to run back to meet with ruth and zhenjie cos they came slightly later. they weren't late. its just us that was early.
when we met up again, our class still hasn't decided where to eat lolz. in fact they were playing around with the carousel :o. actually i can fit on the horse, even though its freakin embarassing. and jordan seems like he'll just crush the whole thing XD. only felecia seemed to fit there lololol. too bad no photos there.
anyway, we decided to just eat at a food court. it was supposedly high class, but it was there just to scam our money D: $6 bucks for some kimchi ramen which was actually some instant noodle cooked with an induction cooker. zhen jie one also quite scam. $5 for two egg pratas.
going to the food court

laughing at random things :D

and if u havent noticed yet, i suck at handling spicy food. so i was the second last to finish my food. guess who's the last lol XD
we're supposed to decide where to go during the lunch since not many wanted bowling, which was the original plan. they dint want pool either. so they chose kbox. at first i was kinda reluctant, but then i realised it probably be more bonding than bowling. so we went and spent $14. heartpain at first, cos i tot i wouldnt be singing much lolz.
when we first went in there, it was really cold lolz, so i kinda wrapped myself up like some dunno what. and yep i was too awkward to sing, so i let the pro-er singers next to me sing. yuhan is really not bad leh. felecia sometimes says random things into the mike though hehe.
yea the photo's not so good cos it was dark

dunno what prompted them to choose this song lol...

there was another one called rice and curry, and lets just say it sounds really retarded lol...
but anyway, halfway i actually went to sing some of the songs. i recognise alot of the melodies of the chinese songs, cos i always indirectly hear the music my sis listens to last time. while she was still a student. so i know quite a bit of s.h.e. songs and a few others. was actually enjoying myself singing haha.
my voice wasnt particularly good though, cos sometimes its too low for me, so i try sing one octave higher. but i stupidly went to drink milo dinosaur, so i wasnt able to sing high notes either. or more like it took a lot of effort. but i actually felt tired singing some songs lolz. apparently for girls when they get phlegm, they can still sing high but cant sing low. opposite from guys.
some of us were quite sian there. i think myat found it terribly boring, and some guys also found it kinda sian. i actually enjoyed myself even though i tot id get bored halfway lol. boon xin definitely enjoyed it the most. she was like doing some sort of dance in front of weiqi to attract her attention lolz. it was like someone spiked her drink with drugs lol. so retarded XD.
anyway, it felt like we were there for damn long, just like the ice-skating one. towards the end everyone got kinda high. some songs the whole class kinda sang out loud. we spammed songs at the end cos not enough time left lolz, so just sing past the chorus and next one liao.
anyway, we took a class photo outside

its our new group cover picture now :D
so this was when our class outing was supposed to end. but not many really wanted it to end then. some ppl dint expect it to be extended so they went off la, but it was only 3:20 when we ended, and it was still kinda early, so we were discussing where to go. in the end we decided mindcafe, and there happened to be one in funan, which was walkable from there. took us about 30 minutes to reach there though lolz.
so in case u dint know what mindcafe is, basically u sit there, buy drinks and play board games at the same time. so at first we played some taboo game, where there are two teams and four different kind of cards. basically the more cards u clear before the sand in the hourglass runs out, the better.
first one was just simply try guess the word they write there but a few words are banned as stated in the card. second one was drawing and see who would guess the three different things in the card. the third type of card was the most epic though.
basically in the package there's a soft toy with really flexible limbs and ur card has three different actions like volleyball, or doing a benchpress, or tripping over something. we weren't able to say anything, so we had to make the puppet do it, and the rest of the team members must guess what the person controlling the puppet is trying to say. its bloody difficult lor lolz.
most of the time ppl cant get more than one card completed, so we were stuck in some region where we keep have to do this challenge. quite epic, cos like the puppet keeps getting abused and we have no idea what is going on. quite stressful too :D. from felecia was quite epic cos she just kept shouting and swearing lolz, then times up.
after that we realised we only have about 40 minutes left so we changed to some word game. basically there's a bomb that can go off anytime from 10-60 seconds, and there's a card with like yd or something, and ur supposed to think of words that contain those letters, like daydream. basically its like pass the parcel with more stress lolz. was really fun playing it.
we did it such that whoever kena boomed have to play truth or dare lolz. yu han got boomed like three times, so we were like asking which girl he likes, and which guy he likes, cos he hinted there were so many he needs to actually think lol. o.o truly a guai shu shu hehe.
some other ppl also kena truth. anyway, im just saying kian wee can be reassured :P. bryan wong cannot though lolz.
anyway, i also got boomed, but i chose dare, cos im a chicken :P. nah some things are just inconvenient to say hehe. so yep i got made to drink something.
my reluctant face drinking fruit punch with creamer >.<

(and jordan's evil face tsskkk -.-)
it dint taste that bad actually lolz. though when the creamer got suspended in the drink, it got really disgusting :o. i got boomed a second time and they add coke to that mixture. haiz my health... actually i shudnt be so worried. its like drinking punch, then drinking coke, then eating a bit of creamer. so nothing is actually wrong lolz.
after that it was 6 so it was time to leave. we got them to help us take class photos :D

i dunno why they suggested to do that lol :P

so there were 10 of us left and it was already 6, but we were still not done sia XD. yx and zhen jie came from home, so they had to go home and retrieve their other stuff. the rest of us took mrt to clementi mall, cos we were too full to eat there and then. or maybe it was the drink screwing our stomachs up XD.
so anyway, when we were at clementi mall, we took forever to decide where to eat. almost had to resort to splitting up. personally i wanted to eat jap food so badly, at the ajisen there. in the end we actually got the remaining 8 to eat there, though i had to treat jordan $4 lolz.
i felt hungry then, but i knew i couldnt finish too much anyway, plus i had a cluster supper at $10, and since felecia never finishes her food (:P), we decided to buy one good ramen and split cost. of course seperate bowl la lolz.
anyway, we bought spicy cha shu ramen, but aha its spicy, so i gave all the chilli to her lol. eh btw she ate a surprisingly lot le XD. i think she actually finished half of it lolz, so i dint exactly zhuan dao lolz. even got some white fish ala carte which was really crispy and tasty. was damn satisfying and comfortable after i finished.
another group photo outside lolz

met up zhen jie and simin on the bus, who went out with aisyah and meizhen lol. coincidencental.
when we finally went back to school, it was already 9, but we still wanted to like sit somewhere until like roll-call time. unfortunately, both tv room and games room occupied. bo bian have to split lor...
so yea our cluster had fajitas for cluster supper, made by loo and russian. apparently they have done this before last time. it tastes better on its own rather than wrapped actually, but that way we would have finished it very fast. also had chips and drinks and bradley's mum's salsa, which we all know is heavenly with chips.
and it was then that i also missed roll-call and got this accursed hourly report, which is why im still in school now lolz. but yea i thoroughly enjoyed that day ^^. never had such a full-day class outing before. also made our wallets rather much lighter heheh. but it was worth it.
ok bye this post has been rather long liao heheh.
which is why im reluctant for school to end
Friday, May 18, 2012
the first goodbye
its the last day of school today, and everyone has gone home already. im alone in hostel now. its not like i feel very upset or lonely, but i feel this great sense of longing. that something amazing has just ended. past two weeks were amazing. being so much closer to ppl than i'd ever imagine i would.
so now that school ended, i feel empty inside. everything feels like its concluding. the last few outings and moments are so nice and yet feel so final. like how i finally got back the ds i lent felecia so long ago. completely forgot about it lolz.
gosh if im feeling like this now, what would it be when hostel ends? when school ends? i just dunno how id manage to accept that change.
i guess it was kinda torturous to stay in school for the 12 hour hourly report. its just me again. just like during the exam period. when would i see you guys again? in one month's time? it feels so long. i'd miss life here.
so goodbye. see you guys in one month's time.
i dint have the heart to tell anyone about it. something i cant get off my mind.
so now that school ended, i feel empty inside. everything feels like its concluding. the last few outings and moments are so nice and yet feel so final. like how i finally got back the ds i lent felecia so long ago. completely forgot about it lolz.
gosh if im feeling like this now, what would it be when hostel ends? when school ends? i just dunno how id manage to accept that change.
i guess it was kinda torturous to stay in school for the 12 hour hourly report. its just me again. just like during the exam period. when would i see you guys again? in one month's time? it feels so long. i'd miss life here.
so goodbye. see you guys in one month's time.
i dint have the heart to tell anyone about it. something i cant get off my mind.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
408 outing
so after AP math, our class went to Jcube for ice-skating. attendance was really good. i think about 15 of us went to skate. i was abit too excited lolz, so i was jumping around randomly. cant help it :P
so at first i thought that maybe skating is not that hard to master, like riding a bicycle. but inside i completely couldnt control the direction i was moving lolz. just skidded and spun in random directions de. kept flailing my arms around trying to get balance, but fell a few times. the floor is damn hard la. falling down here is not shiok, unlike skiing.
as time passed, we slowly learned how to skate, though i kept falling down. like 30 times or something. some ppl only fell down once la, like pin. apparently some people outside were laughing cos i flail like siao but actually managed to regain my balance hehe. but it kinda hurts, cos when u're trying to keep balance, the shoe can press against your leg, and its actually kind of painful too
after that i kinda got the rhythm and it was actually rather enjoyable. but still got moments where i stumble and randomly spin around and flail. anyway, at the end we decided to take photos. the photos taken were all very nice :D
most of the time ji kept photobombing other ppl's photos
then everyone else decides to photobomb and somehow it turns into a class photo lol. there were hell lot of poses lolz

we tried doing the star thing also
so cool
even tried jumpshot 3 times, but all failed and i fell down every single time :o
lag lolz
i think we attracted alot of attention there cos we're the last to go out plus we took so many group photos lol. dint see any other group of ppl doing that hehe.
anyway, it was really fun, even though it was quite torturous too lolz. not bad la, but quite expensive. still owe foo money cos we used his gf's credit card lolz.
after that we just ate, chatted bout some stuff and came back, then i crazily went for soccer after jiamin treated my wounds lolz. was quite dead after that >.<
408 was quite awesome actually. i kinda miss it now, even though last year i dint exactly try to bond with them. i just did my own things without thinking so much.
k moving on to 504 outing. bye~~
as time passed, we slowly learned how to skate, though i kept falling down. like 30 times or something. some ppl only fell down once la, like pin. apparently some people outside were laughing cos i flail like siao but actually managed to regain my balance hehe. but it kinda hurts, cos when u're trying to keep balance, the shoe can press against your leg, and its actually kind of painful too
after that i kinda got the rhythm and it was actually rather enjoyable. but still got moments where i stumble and randomly spin around and flail. anyway, at the end we decided to take photos. the photos taken were all very nice :D
most of the time ji kept photobombing other ppl's photos

then everyone else decides to photobomb and somehow it turns into a class photo lol. there were hell lot of poses lolz

we tried doing the star thing also

so cool
even tried jumpshot 3 times, but all failed and i fell down every single time :o

lag lolz
i think we attracted alot of attention there cos we're the last to go out plus we took so many group photos lol. dint see any other group of ppl doing that hehe.
anyway, it was really fun, even though it was quite torturous too lolz. not bad la, but quite expensive. still owe foo money cos we used his gf's credit card lolz.
after that we just ate, chatted bout some stuff and came back, then i crazily went for soccer after jiamin treated my wounds lolz. was quite dead after that >.<
408 was quite awesome actually. i kinda miss it now, even though last year i dint exactly try to bond with them. i just did my own things without thinking so much.
k moving on to 504 outing. bye~~
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
the second visit to the village
hi its only been three days but argh, im lagging for my posts already.
visit to OCS just ended. my roommate and toiletmates are sleeping, with about another three quarters of the school downstairs. have nothing to do till 8pm for some assembly briefing, so have lots of time to catch up :)
so gonna backtrack all the way to weiren's bday first. dont really have much to say about it though... there were alot of camwhore pictures, but i think i shall just exclude them.
so we reached there at about 2+. ordered macs for lunch
at first we were watching weiren play final fantasy on his ps3 (jean with her paradi-gem lolz), and slacking around. then after that they switched to band hero, mostly to entertain the girls
they forced yawen to sing love story by taylor swift, which she absolutely hates :P
so she was like swearing or singing opposite meaning half of the time. and the rest of us helping her sing in the background lolz.
then most of them went to get the bbq food, and for awhile i got damn sleepy cos it was kinda boring to watch them play band hero lolz.
when they came back we started preparing the bbq fire. dint bother using tongs lolz. many ppl dint. so half of the time we were trying to touch each other's faces :P
or carving stuff into the bbq pit
there were some charcoals that were damn big, so i tried using bricks to cleave them. grounded some into powder though lolz.
after that we started trying to get ppl in the pool. at first it was jookee cos he was being a douche lolz.
but then he did that so we couldnt really touch him
in the end he just charged at me and double suicided...
after that yawen got pushed into the pool, too, and subsequently alot of other ppl. even wong got subdued XD.
after that everyone started to do crazy stuff:
yawen got addicted to diving and cannonballing into the water
i got flung into the pool (again)
then played this game with jookee. i even gave him handicap and let him push first, but he lost so we switched sides.
i dint even have to touch him, and he self jumped lolz
so while the rest cooked, more ppl started cannonballing
and trying to header/flying kick the ball
this looks really pro btw. also looks like he was gonna land on me lolz.
after that everyone came out of the pool to eat the food
heavenly potato salad :D
and the cheese sausages were damn heavenly too
so for the next two hours, everyone was trying to push each other into the pool. is quite retarded cos its like a chain. like u push someone down, then next moment someone pushes you in. ended up drinking alot of water -.-
so everyone got pushed into the water, even jiamin and wong. last two left was weiren and loo, and they were trying to think of some spectacular way to enter. so loo carried weiren
but he just dumped weiren into the water lolz. and walked in. instead of like them jumping together. quite retarded XD
and alot of girls were doing the hair thing. nikki's one completely covered her face lolz
actually looks kinda freaky
then we went up to sing birthday song and eat cake
he looks really happy lol
took mass photo too
lol at jordan's turban
after that we went back to dive into the pool somemore, while some of them went home.
looks damn pro lolz
only five ppl sleptover, and the only thing else we did was to watch Easy A, which was quite good. dint do anything else. then fell asleep at about 2 in the morning.
so yep that was all. the rest are in the previous post lolz.
hmm the bed is like beckoning to lie on it. i dont feel that sleepy right now, but when i lay on it, was quite hard to will myself back up. whats with the army camp outings anyway. always make ppl sleep when they come back lolz. ok shall do the 408 outing post too.
have u ever felt sure of urself about something, yet unsure at the same time? or maybe its just me being unsure that i should be feeling so sure of myself lolz. chimmzzz
visit to OCS just ended. my roommate and toiletmates are sleeping, with about another three quarters of the school downstairs. have nothing to do till 8pm for some assembly briefing, so have lots of time to catch up :)
so gonna backtrack all the way to weiren's bday first. dont really have much to say about it though... there were alot of camwhore pictures, but i think i shall just exclude them.
so we reached there at about 2+. ordered macs for lunch

at first we were watching weiren play final fantasy on his ps3 (jean with her paradi-gem lolz), and slacking around. then after that they switched to band hero, mostly to entertain the girls

they forced yawen to sing love story by taylor swift, which she absolutely hates :P

so she was like swearing or singing opposite meaning half of the time. and the rest of us helping her sing in the background lolz.
then most of them went to get the bbq food, and for awhile i got damn sleepy cos it was kinda boring to watch them play band hero lolz.
when they came back we started preparing the bbq fire. dint bother using tongs lolz. many ppl dint. so half of the time we were trying to touch each other's faces :P

or carving stuff into the bbq pit

there were some charcoals that were damn big, so i tried using bricks to cleave them. grounded some into powder though lolz.
after that we started trying to get ppl in the pool. at first it was jookee cos he was being a douche lolz.

but then he did that so we couldnt really touch him
in the end he just charged at me and double suicided...

after that yawen got pushed into the pool, too, and subsequently alot of other ppl. even wong got subdued XD.

after that everyone started to do crazy stuff:
yawen got addicted to diving and cannonballing into the water

i got flung into the pool (again)

then played this game with jookee. i even gave him handicap and let him push first, but he lost so we switched sides.

i dint even have to touch him, and he self jumped lolz
so while the rest cooked, more ppl started cannonballing

and trying to header/flying kick the ball

this looks really pro btw. also looks like he was gonna land on me lolz.

after that everyone came out of the pool to eat the food

heavenly potato salad :D

and the cheese sausages were damn heavenly too

so for the next two hours, everyone was trying to push each other into the pool. is quite retarded cos its like a chain. like u push someone down, then next moment someone pushes you in. ended up drinking alot of water -.-
so everyone got pushed into the water, even jiamin and wong. last two left was weiren and loo, and they were trying to think of some spectacular way to enter. so loo carried weiren

but he just dumped weiren into the water lolz. and walked in. instead of like them jumping together. quite retarded XD
and alot of girls were doing the hair thing. nikki's one completely covered her face lolz

actually looks kinda freaky
then we went up to sing birthday song and eat cake

he looks really happy lol
took mass photo too

lol at jordan's turban
after that we went back to dive into the pool somemore, while some of them went home.

looks damn pro lolz
only five ppl sleptover, and the only thing else we did was to watch Easy A, which was quite good. dint do anything else. then fell asleep at about 2 in the morning.
so yep that was all. the rest are in the previous post lolz.
hmm the bed is like beckoning to lie on it. i dont feel that sleepy right now, but when i lay on it, was quite hard to will myself back up. whats with the army camp outings anyway. always make ppl sleep when they come back lolz. ok shall do the 408 outing post too.
have u ever felt sure of urself about something, yet unsure at the same time? or maybe its just me being unsure that i should be feeling so sure of myself lolz. chimmzzz
Saturday, May 12, 2012
the past two weeks
sry i havent been blogging for two weeks already. reason's quite retarded. cos i was so free that i actually dint feel like blogging lolz. but i did write down some incomplete posts last time so i gonna combine them. oh no long post :P
so when exams were over, half the level went out to watch avengers. almost the exact same gang as hunger games. this time it was at vivo though. and as usual, since no one else was there, it was me, pin and hema all over again. same as when we went out to get food for the others in hostel during exam period. im actually getting kinda used to it though. wait take that back. he is bald now and looks disgusting :o
it was kinda an amazing movie, though i didnt really know what was happening in the first part. the fighting since were no short of hilarious and awesome, cos they all were freakin overpowered and they got attitude lolz. came back at like 11.
then we all went to weiren's house next day. mostly its ex-07 gang and some ppl from cluster 12A. it was really fun, shall mention in another post with pictures. woke up late the next day, at like 11, and math lesson was already almost over. so we went out to eat, near wcp, and then we came back. i got something not worth the price, and it was too spicy. gahh. at least the homemade iced lemon tea was awesome.
so when i came back the first thing i saw was my class eating lolz. damn guilty cos yuhan told me everyone else except yu fong, lowell, glenn, ruth and rachel came. ouch. im the one who reminded them in the first place about math lesson sia -.-. but fine by now they seemed to have forgotten that. though i realised i just missed the last lesson with mr lim lolz. oh shizz...
so for the next four days, why dint i blog. cos maybe i was slacking too much, but i dint really feel good to be home again. no longer like that now. maybe cos change in environment, but when im home i have to resort to games to get entertained. missed hostel life so much then, when i watch ppl do things or talk then get entertained liao.
then it was ok again, cos i went back on tuesday. and already all the awesomeness of hostel life flooded back. so ok the next day was AP math, but me and jookee decided we dint bother, while half the school below us were mugging like crazy. oo i feel guilty for that...
but the paper was really easy lor. their open ended had very little complexity de. plus i dunno whether it is bad for me to say this, but it doesnt matter if we get 100% or 70%, cos on the cert it will still be a 5. and its not really reflective of the effort u put in actually...
then after that we had an awesome class outing! i dunno why but 408 class outings are always good. though i encountered my class again as i went out. and yes i felt guilty again for not planning for my class. ughh im such a bad planner. need ppl like chen ge or seeu kun to save my ass lolz.
so we went to jcube for the first time. i think i was abit overly high though, just like during weiren's outing, so i behaved slightly wildly.
so basically the design of jcube was quite cool. it like the shops were surrounding this ice skating rink. the lowest floor they had restaurants surrounding the place plus the rental place itself, and then on the floor above, there actually was a stand with seats to watch ppl skating. and even from roof level also can watch ppl skating.
actually there is alot of photos for this outing too so ill post this in another post.
so after we came back, only then did i realise that i actually abraded by leg so bad that there's pus on it lolz. its actually quite terrible, but that dint stop me from playing soccer that night, which was chaos btw. when 24 ppl want to play at the same time. so we had to split it to 3 teams, but that dint really make it less violent lolz.
so when i awoke the next day, i was filled with aches everywhere. in fact bathing kinda hurt quite bad. but its a small price to pay :P
went out again on thursday cos the rest wanted to watch avengers so much. at first i was kinda reluctant. ok i actually thought for once i wouldnt be persuaded to spend 2 and a half hours no matter how much they asked, but even jookee got swayed, so lolz i went. dint regret it at all :P. so 8 of us went to watch, me, jookee, pin, png, weiren, loo, waiyin and yawen.
so at first we went out to eat at that eating place at wcp again, cos we're really getting broke from all these outings. so yay cheapo char kway tiao for $2.50 that tastes quite good, and it actually feels worth the price, cos sometimes school food is damn ex and tastes soso. and i drank from that same drink store again lolz. btw it was already 2:30 when we reached. shows how indecisive and lazy we could be lolz.
when we reached dhoby it was already 4:15, so we got our tickets and then went to pomo to play pool again. we saw a shop named bento there and went high, cos jookee has being showing us this epic anime where everyone fights for half priced food. real brawling lolz.
then we reached the place, and since it looked quite shady, nobody seemed to dare to approach the counter. maybe im a hongster and not scared of death, so i ended up being the one to do the talking. which isnt really in my nature lolz.
anyway, waiyin came not long after and we played pool for one hour. then we lost some card that apparently costs $2 if u misplaced it, but then the guy dint realise so we just happily got our card and ran for the movies. since it was more important than $2 anyway.
watching it the second time was much more nicer. cos i understand everything now. so at the end of the movie yawen was like fangirling again, and we were talking about how ironman is such a douche. and we came back somewhat just on time for roll-call.
so friday was scriptchecking and to sum it up, nope i shall not talk about it since its over and nobody who did badly wants it rubbed in. so yep its being an awesome two weeks. four outings lolz. i love my life :D
P.S. why dint i think of mass messaging my class bout class outing until now lolz
so its easier to just behave naturally, after all
so when exams were over, half the level went out to watch avengers. almost the exact same gang as hunger games. this time it was at vivo though. and as usual, since no one else was there, it was me, pin and hema all over again. same as when we went out to get food for the others in hostel during exam period. im actually getting kinda used to it though. wait take that back. he is bald now and looks disgusting :o
it was kinda an amazing movie, though i didnt really know what was happening in the first part. the fighting since were no short of hilarious and awesome, cos they all were freakin overpowered and they got attitude lolz. came back at like 11.
then we all went to weiren's house next day. mostly its ex-07 gang and some ppl from cluster 12A. it was really fun, shall mention in another post with pictures. woke up late the next day, at like 11, and math lesson was already almost over. so we went out to eat, near wcp, and then we came back. i got something not worth the price, and it was too spicy. gahh. at least the homemade iced lemon tea was awesome.
so when i came back the first thing i saw was my class eating lolz. damn guilty cos yuhan told me everyone else except yu fong, lowell, glenn, ruth and rachel came. ouch. im the one who reminded them in the first place about math lesson sia -.-. but fine by now they seemed to have forgotten that. though i realised i just missed the last lesson with mr lim lolz. oh shizz...
so for the next four days, why dint i blog. cos maybe i was slacking too much, but i dint really feel good to be home again. no longer like that now. maybe cos change in environment, but when im home i have to resort to games to get entertained. missed hostel life so much then, when i watch ppl do things or talk then get entertained liao.
then it was ok again, cos i went back on tuesday. and already all the awesomeness of hostel life flooded back. so ok the next day was AP math, but me and jookee decided we dint bother, while half the school below us were mugging like crazy. oo i feel guilty for that...
but the paper was really easy lor. their open ended had very little complexity de. plus i dunno whether it is bad for me to say this, but it doesnt matter if we get 100% or 70%, cos on the cert it will still be a 5. and its not really reflective of the effort u put in actually...
then after that we had an awesome class outing! i dunno why but 408 class outings are always good. though i encountered my class again as i went out. and yes i felt guilty again for not planning for my class. ughh im such a bad planner. need ppl like chen ge or seeu kun to save my ass lolz.
so we went to jcube for the first time. i think i was abit overly high though, just like during weiren's outing, so i behaved slightly wildly.
so basically the design of jcube was quite cool. it like the shops were surrounding this ice skating rink. the lowest floor they had restaurants surrounding the place plus the rental place itself, and then on the floor above, there actually was a stand with seats to watch ppl skating. and even from roof level also can watch ppl skating.
actually there is alot of photos for this outing too so ill post this in another post.
so after we came back, only then did i realise that i actually abraded by leg so bad that there's pus on it lolz. its actually quite terrible, but that dint stop me from playing soccer that night, which was chaos btw. when 24 ppl want to play at the same time. so we had to split it to 3 teams, but that dint really make it less violent lolz.
so when i awoke the next day, i was filled with aches everywhere. in fact bathing kinda hurt quite bad. but its a small price to pay :P
went out again on thursday cos the rest wanted to watch avengers so much. at first i was kinda reluctant. ok i actually thought for once i wouldnt be persuaded to spend 2 and a half hours no matter how much they asked, but even jookee got swayed, so lolz i went. dint regret it at all :P. so 8 of us went to watch, me, jookee, pin, png, weiren, loo, waiyin and yawen.
so at first we went out to eat at that eating place at wcp again, cos we're really getting broke from all these outings. so yay cheapo char kway tiao for $2.50 that tastes quite good, and it actually feels worth the price, cos sometimes school food is damn ex and tastes soso. and i drank from that same drink store again lolz. btw it was already 2:30 when we reached. shows how indecisive and lazy we could be lolz.
when we reached dhoby it was already 4:15, so we got our tickets and then went to pomo to play pool again. we saw a shop named bento there and went high, cos jookee has being showing us this epic anime where everyone fights for half priced food. real brawling lolz.
then we reached the place, and since it looked quite shady, nobody seemed to dare to approach the counter. maybe im a hongster and not scared of death, so i ended up being the one to do the talking. which isnt really in my nature lolz.
anyway, waiyin came not long after and we played pool for one hour. then we lost some card that apparently costs $2 if u misplaced it, but then the guy dint realise so we just happily got our card and ran for the movies. since it was more important than $2 anyway.
watching it the second time was much more nicer. cos i understand everything now. so at the end of the movie yawen was like fangirling again, and we were talking about how ironman is such a douche. and we came back somewhat just on time for roll-call.
so friday was scriptchecking and to sum it up, nope i shall not talk about it since its over and nobody who did badly wants it rubbed in. so yep its being an awesome two weeks. four outings lolz. i love my life :D
P.S. why dint i think of mass messaging my class bout class outing until now lolz
so its easier to just behave naturally, after all
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