anyway, this week has been really fun man. its like the equivalent of five super fun outings, or a enjoyable OBS or something like that. so yea i have alot of things to say. this post will be quite long. but when has it been not? :P
ok, so Day 1 was just night time only. just moved in, and was kind of excited and somewhat unsure of how hostel life would be like. my whole family except my eldest sis came to see me off. there was a LOT more new stuff man, even though came to put stuff here twice alr. and yea that lovely blue mop. i so dont regret bringing that with me. the air purifier too. yea my room has alot of convenient tools like that.
anyways, jia min also has lots of stuff, but more like food and his database of movies, animes, dramas and games are SICK. really can last me like 300 days or something. dont actualy need to Maple or Runescape anymore, like i tot i would do in year 5. and yea watching anime is much more fun. maybe i shud stop playing games le. maybe portal 2 ba cos that one is damn cool.
went over to jordan's room after the super long briefing. guess what he was doing? he was lifting this huge dumbell -.- . that guy is serious man.... and yea he looks much buffer from the last time i saw him, slightly taller too. pin actually feels short in the lift when he stands between jiamin and him.
anyway, was kind of late, but jiamin wanted to show me this movie mononoke no hime, meaning mononoke princess (yea i know abit of jap). was very nice . i realise i dont know true anime lor. bleach and all that all too slow le, but short anime like this have alot of substance and super nice to watch. so yea pin was doing photo stuff and blogging while png slept earlier, while i had that addicted look on my face lolz. ended at 1, and all of them were asleep ler lolz.

thats her, half-wolf and half-human
woke up 6:15 Day 2. i actually woke up smoothly, unlike at home where somehow i resist the person trying to wake me up, somewhat subconsciously. sometimes ppl try to wake me up for half an hour and to me feels like one minute only :o. idk why i can wake up easily here though . maybe dint want to get bitched at by frens ba lolz. so yea all 4 of us bath in the morning. i dont often practise that, but might as well, cos it makes u more refreshed too.
felt abit weird going down. its like the half familiar, half unfamiliar kind of feeling, like when u come back to singapore from OBS. ate breakfast. actually for me im quite lenient towards food. as long as it isnt too bad, i will think its nice. and yea ppl have commented how the way i eat makes normal food look super yummy hehe.
watched the storyline of the orientation. at first it seemed kind of retarded, but after that it actually seemed like a really good story. slightly better than the popobawa one, cos there is a character for each house and the events quite interesting. damn cheesy the back lor, when galen (Watson) was saying "the four items could destroy" ... -suddenly turn his head and pull out his sunglasses- ... "the world". everyone around was going "wth". but after that the story got better ba.!/photo.php?v=10150581227792033
its actually damn good now that i have rewatched it...
met my new class 504. now that ive seen them the class actually seems like an awesome one. played some icebreaker game with our mentor, dr (not mr) dewey.

yea i did that :D
jordan keep calling him "that cool angmoh guy" :o . he ordered pizza for everyone, but turns out every class did that. somehow the school seems to spend lots of money on our year. so awesome.
did a few class motto designing. personally i dont like this stuff, cos usually only half of the class are really doing anything, and the rest are like rushing to help out. but ok la i just kind of did a bit with jordan then watch felicia draw the 504 and boon xin cut it out. and ya finally i know who is ian's girlfriend (or at least one of them).
did mass dance next. at first it seemed like a sucky one cos the song was abit weird. actually all mass dance songs seem weird to me at first, but end up very nice to dance with. was quite hard leh this year's one. i finally know how to do it, but yea dance is over le :/ btw, i actually like dancing leh hehe random. bet u dint know that.

(i dunno why im doing this to myself o.o)
ate pizza for lunch. actually even though Sarpino is like supposedly some super good pizza, i think i prefer pizza hut, even though the tomato is more fake, like sweeter instead of the natural kind, and the cheese more simpler, like those cheap cheap ones. i heard beji dass was super nice cos she topped up and doubled the money so that they bought 10 pizzas. so that ppl like huang can eat 10 slices. wthh?!? thats some big ass appetite. i actually managed to eat 6, while jordan ate 2 and felt full :o. maybe he transfered some of his appetite to me...

this says all...
and yea i like my class, but 505 seems really fun. but since my class is good, i shudnt complain hehe. and theres jordan there, and this time he'll be sitting with me, hell yea. i wont be egoist about my class though i promise :P.
so after that, went to house for some cheers. actually at that point of time i dint really like being in Faraday cos got so little 07 ppl there, but no longer. as usual i sat with junwei, cos i dont really talk to the rest of them yet. did the awesome one line cheer and the f cheer. wasnt enthu though lolz.
after that we did this underworld wars game. i dint like how chen ge was abusing the thing to earn money o.o. cos he was like spamming teeny weeny circles, and each gave 3 food, then we just sell. we tot we were rich lor. then the last "month" (was actually 10 minutes full of arguments) we invested 5k and earned 50k from stocks. so that was the actual way to earn money... so yea shud have invested earlier.
anyway we tot we were rich so we played untangle, which is a super good class bonding game imo. i purposely went deep in so it would be super hard.

freaking fun :D
03 were doing this

how's this planking man XD

this aint planking either XD
gosh, every class has its own story eh?
anyway, the materials were super ex lor, and quite screwy. and ppl just take over the chats typing random crap, like tseren saying wtf o.o. and yufong typing i love you to jean and asking her to give him money (something to do with shuen i think). so yea, did nothing for half and hour :/ then i went to 05 and realised they smartly went to play bridge with the cards lolz. abit awkward with my class at that time though so we dint play. delayed until 5:30, then they postponed the actual game to 3rd day.
after dinner we went to wcp to shop, cos ppl needed to buy hostel stuff. most of them were in supermarket, while some of us (i think me, fiona, zheyuan, jookee) went up to buy stuff at Japan Home and Popular. i dint actually need to buy anything, so i went to look for a book, but wasnt there. as in the 10th book wasnt there :/ then my mum called home. i dunno why i lied that i was in hostel... im weird. maybe i dint want to say i was out shopping? ah well.
how we conspired to set wong up XD

reverse the cam direction :D (see that epic smile over there?XD)
went back and scrapped soccer, but played netball instead. was super fun lor. im still short and i know i complain bout netball too much cos so many ppl love it. but yea i fouled like crap. i try hard though. was really fun. alot of ppl keep coming though. dunno where they pop out from. i think the lights so bright that ppl saw it from hostel and wanted to play. see our ex 07 gang is cool lor hehe.
line jump to decide the teams :D

hehe that crazy bastard jumping is me XD
yong jen is freakin pro lor. thank god he is our team. we keep breaking their chain combo, and partially cos loo does rushed throws and pin doesnt look when he threw. and he scored alot lor. i dint do much, so i get to watch the game from far.
jiamin blistered his foot though cos he went barefoot :( . he went back up the room while the rest of us went games room cool off. they played pool while some of us went to play the air hockey. super fun sia. especially when ppl just non stop whack and the thing keep bouncing. gives u adrenaline rush or something. really love the game man.yong jen is freakin pro lor. thank god he is our team. we keep breaking their chain combo, and partially cos loo does rushed throws and pin doesnt look when he threw. and he scored alot lor. i dint do much, so i get to watch the game from far.
today was the most tiring day imo. so yea back in hostel jookee and foo came over to my room after i kept randomly visiting them. so they became regulars liao. jookee loves my bed :D. i love it too, cos my mum and aunt (what i call my maid) made it nice. and yea foo is vulgar LOL. but he damn funny de hehe.
that guy stalks bay wee wen and ng tiong eng la so random. ms ng's actually emo. her posts all so depressing de. but jiamin doesnt let me read lolz. he got this "no i dont let you" kind of manner, but also got the "unless u let me touch ur ass". ok thats creepy and gay.
so yea we spent the rest of the night with them. slept late again hahas.
breaking it into parts now
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