Tuesday, July 17, 2012

coming back again

just finished watching one ep of toradora. anyway, im watching anime again :D. after so long getting stuck with maple. i realised im so much past the level that i actually aimed for, so i dont actually really need to continue playing lolz.

anyway, im sorry i dint post for so long. i realised i was too hard pressed to post about all the stuff i did that i couldn't write out what i want to say. its so much easier to just say what u want without any specific order.

usually blog during tuesdays lolz. cos im so free :D. but yea actually i think ecology is really interesting lor.. and maybe one sem ago i would definitely not want to take bio, cos even then when im so free i slacked so much that i dint actually do any piece of work well. but uh, tioman trip... i'll be darn lonely here in my room lolz. actually that's not really the point, but gah i think i like bio again D:

i mean i keep seeing interesting stuff, like they had this cool demonstration thing on the concourse just now where u pick up beans scattered on a mat using ur hands or a fork. of cos its much harder with the fork la, so prolly some natural selection demonstration. and then just now when i was helping to 'test' felecia on her bio o, i saw all the random hormones, and gah its so interesting. but yea that's what ppl say until they actually take the module :P

oh yea im doing this voluntary stuff for clara's ARP. basically i wear this headband when i sleep, and it measures my brain waves :o. and this accelerometer watch i wear all the time now lolz. actually im a bit disappoint (my english phail :P) by how unimpressive it is. actually thats cos i saw the pics from brain camp lolz. but still brain waves. this shit is cool XD

i finished angel beats last week, and my god its so goood, im so mindblown and amazed by the ending. uhhh, words cant describe my love for angel beats LOL. but seriously its really amazing.

up till now i still havent found what genre of anime i like in particular, or maybe i just like all, but there's one particular one i like. got some element of school in it. i dunno why but it just appeals to me haha. and i think i like angel beats so much cos its like the right mix of action and slice of life, and omg the story's theme is really wonderful. i dunno whether i shud describe it here cos i dont like to sound philosophical, but its about how no matter how unfair our lives are, no one else can understand it except you. which is why i wouldn't want to live someone else's life even if its so much better than mine. ok i cant say this anymore /o\

oh yea i made quite alot of progress for learning jap too :D. i got the human japanese app yay~~. and also i mastered JLPT 4 and 5 verbs heheh. well actually its just the limited verbs on my phone app, but wow i understand so much more jap lyrics now haha. though i havent actually applied them yet, more like i 死背 them (i think its the wrong bei >.<). but still i start picking them out from jap songs more often :D. i still need someone to go with me to japan next year though...

yea i think im gonna end this post now hahah. feels so good blogging again, and randomning all this stuff. ok bye~~

P.S. changed my blog title to mapo tofu :D. guess where that reference came from lolz.

in the end, everyone reciprocates feelings. even if its just very little

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