today i woke up at 11+ lol. my parents are at home cos they dont have to work, so we went to tampines mall to eat lunch. ate at the teppanyaki place. basically, they cook their food on this metal platform, and the people just sit around and can watch the guy cook and smell the food. the food was quite nice and not very ex ($37.50 for 3 ppl). anyway, there was a mother with her son and her daughter just next to us. the boy was like unwilling to share the fish, which was damn tasty, with her sister, so the mum was like reasoning with him. then basically my parents were like smiling so the mom also smiled. apparently the boy eats more than me LOL. plus his like not affected by the sauce, which i find quite spicy. anyway quite entertaining watching them eat.
after that we decided to watch movie. it was 1.50 pm, and the show starts at 3, so basically i went to cut my hair. looks like crap now o.o . as in the guy is not too bad in cutting hair, but somehow i feel uglily young, like 11 years old o.o . i know how daryl feels now >.< . anyway, it just looks weird on me. you'll know when u see it.
then we went to watch the movie. im not going to spoil it, cos the movie is really very nice. its kind of like madagascar with real animals and a proper story. anyway, the starting was quite epic, and the ending is seriously LOL. so if u got no idea what movie to watch, go watch zookeeper. its quite lighthearted and makes u happy watching it.
anyway, the break is like passing damn fast le D: . only left tmr then need go sch submit work again. nuuuuuuu... i dont feel like doing work tmr...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
the last day of school
theoretically its not. but next week is really awesomely coincidental. monday polling day in lieu, even though we dint need to vote, tuesday hari raya, wednesday teacher's day celebration and thursday also half day. then friday no sch, becos i dunno why LOL. so yea can slack for darn long.
anyway today was quite fun. during chinese, goi was building this flamethrower hidden in a walking stick o.o . then he uses art to draw his blueprints somemore. seriously like some future mad scientist... he was burning steel wool and tissue paper in this aeroplane metal frame, and then the rest of us just stand there watch... mr low (or whoever their mentor is) just walk past and then he just hide it immediately while we all just pretend nothing happened. cos if he caught us, we'll all die together for not stopping goi from burning stuff o.o
anyway, mr chin dint come today so we had no lesson from 1 - 4. i wasted hell lot of time, and then it was 3 already. i shud have just gone over to 05 and see what they doing... anyway, chee came over at 3 and we went downstair to steal food XD. its like spy from above, take lift down, rush for the box, go back to the lift. wanqi was like giving the accusing look :P. anyway that bread thing dint taste nice but the rest were like awesome. other ppl took h eurry chicken too, but it was cold, or else itll be very nice.
went to media late. like 15 min late, but i dunno how, the year 2's and year 3's other than jireh and daniel seem to like make an effort to ALWAYS come later than us... and so jireh dragged them over by stealing one of the year 2's bag and going to the library. they were looking at ncc people o.o , and they kind of look rich and can dowhatever they want kind of look...
anyway, wonky was reading comic books and looking like a business man again lol. so lee went to take photo of him. first shot he was like stunned, cos he heard camera sound, so he looked up. then lee took again. look at the face XD. im going to make candid tumblr put his face there XDXDXD.

anyway today was quite fun. during chinese, goi was building this flamethrower hidden in a walking stick o.o . then he uses art to draw his blueprints somemore. seriously like some future mad scientist... he was burning steel wool and tissue paper in this aeroplane metal frame, and then the rest of us just stand there watch... mr low (or whoever their mentor is) just walk past and then he just hide it immediately while we all just pretend nothing happened. cos if he caught us, we'll all die together for not stopping goi from burning stuff o.o
anyway, mr chin dint come today so we had no lesson from 1 - 4. i wasted hell lot of time, and then it was 3 already. i shud have just gone over to 05 and see what they doing... anyway, chee came over at 3 and we went downstair to steal food XD. its like spy from above, take lift down, rush for the box, go back to the lift. wanqi was like giving the accusing look :P. anyway that bread thing dint taste nice but the rest were like awesome. other ppl took h eurry chicken too, but it was cold, or else itll be very nice.
went to media late. like 15 min late, but i dunno how, the year 2's and year 3's other than jireh and daniel seem to like make an effort to ALWAYS come later than us... and so jireh dragged them over by stealing one of the year 2's bag and going to the library. they were looking at ncc people o.o , and they kind of look rich and can dowhatever they want kind of look...
anyway, wonky was reading comic books and looking like a business man again lol. so lee went to take photo of him. first shot he was like stunned, cos he heard camera sound, so he looked up. then lee took again. look at the face XD. im going to make candid tumblr put his face there XDXDXD.
anyway, photosharing was failure. ppl were like taking out their iphones and all and just not looking at the photos except for some who seem interested. shree's photo everyone had no good comments LOL. no one likes what she took (oh so sad). that wasnt sarcasm, seriously. anyway, jm dint even show his own photo... and i wanted to show my photo but he dint know oooo.
then after that pin and jm looking at super ex cameras, and i dint know what to do. so i took this.
after that i followed lee and jordan behind. they were posing like statues for no reason o.o . so i followed lee and jordan behind and they were like random. jordan brought this round chair just so that he could sit, so lee ask him pose like a statue.
lol he doesnt look anywhere serious o.o
k la not bad, but oso dont look like statue.
anyway if ur wandering where they were for the last 30 mins, they were there, behind that barrier, playing bridge LOL.
anyway todays soccer darn epic. at first was kind of boring cos our team got boring ppl. i mean they are pro but its boring playing with aditya and prada. theyre too serious le, i cant stand it. so i tot of changing team. then wonky and chee and all the random people came. jookee damn sad shoot so many on target all managed to save. then chee is like seldom shoot, but super hard and always score de. too ghey le.
lee also quite ghey de, got one time he hit both poles one shot after other, and second shot was like from half court sia. just penetrate everything. too suay le. aditya also. 8 assists, 0 goals LOL. cos muru keep tackling him. muru damn pro today, like aditya equivalent. he solo can get pass like 4 ppl. and he always managed to stop
our team attack is ghey, cos got wongy support and got lee rush in. then got prada and aditya getting past everyone. anyway, halfway in the game, loo came and the keeper changed. then cos the behind always guarded by the girls like shree and wanqi, they always just kick to delay, so the ball just fly around back and forth. so i think prada dribbled all the way to the right, then cross in 45 degree, then i just thought off shooting. then scored LOL. so i dunno whats so good, but a lot of people were like hi-5-ing me, and chee seng come out saying "wa, full mana" LOL i dont even...
anyway not long after that, our that we rushed in again, and aditya header the ball. it bounced in front and i was being surrounded so i dint know what to do and bicycled. it HIT yes! then it bounced off loos hand and SCORED hellyea. so happy le. this time the bicycle felt like darn nice. usually i feel my toe being bent sideways and the ball anyhow fly de. plus this time mid-level de, not like last time just roll on the floor XD. im on fire :p.
then i got "arrogant". i wasnt ok. i just panikedc when i get the ball cos everyone like trying to tackle me until i cannot do anything. so when i got another chance, the ball kept bouncing around my leg, and i couldnt shoot cos i missed o.o then when ppl pass to me, i raised my leg and it went under LOL. nvm id dun mind failing cos i managed to hit that bicycle XD.
anyway, quite alot of ppl went recitaling (wong said there was no such word lol) so left only a few of us. lee took like hell loads of pics of chee, like 20, and the face all the same one, seriously.
why am i so forgetful? >.<
Thursday, August 25, 2011
mr yeo the magician
today last frisbee lesson already. pe was quite fun though i feel forehand throw by abc is like ninja star to the head. basically it freaks me out. but he was damn pro today. actually our whole team quite pro cos we came up with that jian huo strategy. we won the first 2, so we tot can win 3rd but then they were like all athletic. yx, shini and wenyi just sprint, pass, sprint, pass and out def too tired to chase after them le lol.
adrian cramped his hamstring, which looks quite painful, but then u know how we all like to make an injured person laugh. basically shini was like helping him recover it by lifting it on her knee and pushing against it to lock the leg. so she was like "push against me", and then anh said adrian is enjoying it, so everyone started laughing, but then forgot why they laughed. anh think sick uh, aiyo.
after that ppl started poking hardik cos he dint donate blood yesterday, so he was like exhausted and yx kept taking advantage. douchey sia. anyway, me and justin were being hooked on hungry shark 2 part 2. seriously more fun than hungry shark 3, cos got this damn HUGE crab and mines that one hit ko. so we wasted alot of time on it
long time no see mr yeo le. reservice darn long, so when he came him everyone kind of attack him cos they say he nvr mark assignment... not really his fault ma he reservicing. anyway, whats wrong with mr yeo he was damn weird today... he came back with some new "tricks" to keep people awake in physics. basically its just revision session, every few min discuss something. finally got the work done thing, though they dint really test it...
physics felt darn long la, and halfway thru the lesson he did his i dunno what u call it. the 2 fingers crossing keep switching continuosly, then everyone was like trying to do but failed. then he said it was one of his "talents"
he coughed and like a deck of cards came out of his mouth like vomitting like that o.O. then he also did the money trick with boon xin like some kris angel mindfreak. darn weird i cant explain. basically boon xin fist was closed with 2 coins inside, then somehow he made another coin go inside. i mean if it was me i definitely can feel it... and he did the coin trick from the ear thing LOL. bet he used that with his gf o.o
anyway, for physics test it was quite ghey, but then most ppl say ok, so whatever ba. we stayed back to watch soccer match. first half nan hua was like owning but they score only one, cos bradley save damn well. theres this bald guy who looks freakin old and his pro but violent according to jen. his skill is like yu fong, can own like 3-4 guys before losing the ball. yu fong not really good today ah, usually he can just spam run in then shoot, but then he screwed up a few times. me and jookee saw him attempting rainbow LOL but the ball hit him, so failed. anyway it drew 1-1, cos junwei sexy header. so basically 2nd half our school team play quite well, especially shuen and jen.
the rest of you were too absorbed in hearts le... and btw play hearts with huang = sure ownage. he purposely whacked all the spades gone since wonky broke his shoot, so he spam ace king jack spade until he got only one spade left. then fiona but 3 hearts, jookee put 2, then huang put maria XDXD. completely PWNED. yea huang damn pro in hearts.
we went mrt station eat a bit cos we quiet hungry, then jen left us early so we tot he got kidnapped. anyway, was me, loo, huang, lee and fiona. so hema was left alone LOL cos ALL of us go same direction XDXD. learnt how to play drawbridge from huang. not bad la, but huang knows the mechanic behind the game so he owned me la. rest of the time was jen talking to me abt the match. whew lots of nonsense happen today. tmr is friday yay but i dint do econs and chem so tmr do lor......
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
no fence
today's bridge was damn awesome. i mean its like really super fun for some reason, probably because got huang and loo XD. they usually like shout out super loud one like "come la" or "i eatz jew" or something like that.
junwei, chee and me were like taking lift which went down o.o and then ms koo came in. then when we reached 3rd floor hema came in and we were like all disgusted. then ms koo was like "so how is you qian?". then the other teacher was like "yang qian from 404?" then me chee and junwei all sniggering there, so ms koo laugh in like super gossipy way. damn epic ownage.
anyway, today is the day after e-learning, so that kind of sucks cos i dint touch econs yesterday, but at least i did 2 parts today. too slow la. now got 3 econs thing for me to do D: anyway, chinese was darn slack cos we finished our zuowens already. its like he gave us 2-3 whole lessons to finish up zuo wens cos many ppl dint hand in, so ppl like yx adrian slack 2-3 lessons.
we played futsal today. finally first time since that whole fence collapsed o.O, and it felt kinda weird with nothing there. but at least now ppl cannot abuse it, like rushers who push the ball against the fence. anyway without the fence there we actually play better. jordan shot this gay shot as a free kick and it went curving into top corner, when people were shouting at him not to shoot LOL. and jookee being douchey olaying ppl as usual. and ram and muru using their black magic dribbling skills. there was this open gap in the defence and some space at the goal post, so muru just shot and it went damn straight toward the goal. all of us got stunned... but jiamin says he failed cos he got injury... and also used that excuse to gay...
even though shuen and fong playing, it dint feel super outmatched, but fong is gay la he score in the same pattern twice and its like same defenders and same tecnique to get pass. i was like wth, dejavu.
anyway, someone crossed darn nice and high, and it bounced near me, then went up again, so shuen went to tackle me and left the goal post. so i screen him off to the side then bicycled. i actually HIT! YES, and it was on target, but then it hit shuen as he rush back to goal. nuuuu haiz anyway it felt great bicycling XDXD.
the final score was 7-6 cos got fong la, but then was damn fun. kk tmr is pe, and i remembered our group came up with this jian strategy. shall see how it works tmr :)
junwei, chee and me were like taking lift which went down o.o and then ms koo came in. then when we reached 3rd floor hema came in and we were like all disgusted. then ms koo was like "so how is you qian?". then the other teacher was like "yang qian from 404?" then me chee and junwei all sniggering there, so ms koo laugh in like super gossipy way. damn epic ownage.
anyway, today is the day after e-learning, so that kind of sucks cos i dint touch econs yesterday, but at least i did 2 parts today. too slow la. now got 3 econs thing for me to do D: anyway, chinese was darn slack cos we finished our zuowens already. its like he gave us 2-3 whole lessons to finish up zuo wens cos many ppl dint hand in, so ppl like yx adrian slack 2-3 lessons.
we played futsal today. finally first time since that whole fence collapsed o.O, and it felt kinda weird with nothing there. but at least now ppl cannot abuse it, like rushers who push the ball against the fence. anyway without the fence there we actually play better. jordan shot this gay shot as a free kick and it went curving into top corner, when people were shouting at him not to shoot LOL. and jookee being douchey olaying ppl as usual. and ram and muru using their black magic dribbling skills. there was this open gap in the defence and some space at the goal post, so muru just shot and it went damn straight toward the goal. all of us got stunned... but jiamin says he failed cos he got injury... and also used that excuse to gay...
even though shuen and fong playing, it dint feel super outmatched, but fong is gay la he score in the same pattern twice and its like same defenders and same tecnique to get pass. i was like wth, dejavu.
anyway, someone crossed darn nice and high, and it bounced near me, then went up again, so shuen went to tackle me and left the goal post. so i screen him off to the side then bicycled. i actually HIT! YES, and it was on target, but then it hit shuen as he rush back to goal. nuuuu haiz anyway it felt great bicycling XDXD.
the final score was 7-6 cos got fong la, but then was damn fun. kk tmr is pe, and i remembered our group came up with this jian strategy. shall see how it works tmr :)
Monday, August 22, 2011
thats what we called hardik throughout the day. cos we couldnt say patel, so we flipped in into latep. boon chong became noob noob. and pin most epic. pin a nip LOL (idea from jordan). hardik's name quite nice to flip cos sounds proper, like ayirapod o.O . anyway, not very funny uhh...
huang got super ghey bridge hand this morning. he almost grand slam twice because he got like 6 or 7 of a kind and his partner usually got ghey card :D me for one round. the other round obviously ka keng.
anyway, today got 3 tests math geog chem. i dont want to talk about them, but now that its over, our stress level dropped like hell. anyway, today alot of ppl dint come, came late, or got some reason to skip tests, like justin, adrian, liu qi, and hardik, so the class was rather empty. in fact today dont have any lesson, cos our class keep bargaining skip lesson after test and all that.
assembly was damn weird. its like they were trying to introduce children stories to us, or maybe the plot just sounds kiddish. as in real kiddish. i dont mind reading young adult books cos adult books are screwed. they are all about life, life, life sucks, love, die and all that. but young adult book got fantasy, and more exciting to read. but some books they introduced sounds weird. anyway, none of us that free to go make that video o.o . unless u seriously got nothing better to do.
when we went home, jm went in our direction. when jm dealing the card the time, lee kept doing the slurping sound and look wrong. bet yu fong turned him gay. anyway, was damn disgusting, like non-stop until jia min cant take it and was like "why are u doing this" in the desperate tone. anyway whenever jm try to gay... lee comes to the rescue LOL.
we got 9 ppl cos pin last minute come out, but hema still managed to talk his way into playing. anyway, i was in non-hema group again (yay :D), so the game more fun. jordan super evil, cos he spam points like a boss. like really dont care if we put 2, 3 and 4 that kind. just reduce the number of sets needed for non-bidder to win. then last card usually get owned or something. he got style.
thats bout all that happen today. finally can rest got one day e-learning. e-learning actually depend on luck... cos our tuesday quite a lot of different classes, so good giob...
huang got super ghey bridge hand this morning. he almost grand slam twice because he got like 6 or 7 of a kind and his partner usually got ghey card :D me for one round. the other round obviously ka keng.
anyway, today got 3 tests math geog chem. i dont want to talk about them, but now that its over, our stress level dropped like hell. anyway, today alot of ppl dint come, came late, or got some reason to skip tests, like justin, adrian, liu qi, and hardik, so the class was rather empty. in fact today dont have any lesson, cos our class keep bargaining skip lesson after test and all that.
assembly was damn weird. its like they were trying to introduce children stories to us, or maybe the plot just sounds kiddish. as in real kiddish. i dont mind reading young adult books cos adult books are screwed. they are all about life, life, life sucks, love, die and all that. but young adult book got fantasy, and more exciting to read. but some books they introduced sounds weird. anyway, none of us that free to go make that video o.o . unless u seriously got nothing better to do.
when we went home, jm went in our direction. when jm dealing the card the time, lee kept doing the slurping sound and look wrong. bet yu fong turned him gay. anyway, was damn disgusting, like non-stop until jia min cant take it and was like "why are u doing this" in the desperate tone. anyway whenever jm try to gay... lee comes to the rescue LOL.
we got 9 ppl cos pin last minute come out, but hema still managed to talk his way into playing. anyway, i was in non-hema group again (yay :D), so the game more fun. jordan super evil, cos he spam points like a boss. like really dont care if we put 2, 3 and 4 that kind. just reduce the number of sets needed for non-bidder to win. then last card usually get owned or something. he got style.
thats bout all that happen today. finally can rest got one day e-learning. e-learning actually depend on luck... cos our tuesday quite a lot of different classes, so good giob...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
no gay day
today, hardik go bet with us that if he gays any of us, he'll pay us $5. so the whole day we tried to make him do it, provoking him on purpose XD.
pe was quite fun. for the first half its abt how far u can throw, which is 90% dependent on strength, 5% on angle and technique, and 5% on counting that the frisbee will roll forward XD. sometime the frisbee seems like super good throw but land behind other ppl throw lol. jordan threw and landed just in front of hardik's one XD, so he wanted to rpae jordan but cant.
anyway, we also learn forehand throw but thumb damn pain. then we split to team to practise. boon chong was like "justin, its jiiii" and that they were fated XD. anyway our team got good method for game le i think. not going to reveal it :P
physics got new teacher he is much better but abit boring. then during chem i got bored, and ask hardik go search the "club cant even handle me right now" in indian version. front part is super epic.
tmr need submit print ad le T_T i need to do it since the rest offline le. anyway, guo xuan tried handing his, but it got rejected. damn funny it was this voldemort putting his hand on his head cos he was pissed and in pain, but then there was the words 常常洗头发 LOL.
kk need go le bb
pe was quite fun. for the first half its abt how far u can throw, which is 90% dependent on strength, 5% on angle and technique, and 5% on counting that the frisbee will roll forward XD. sometime the frisbee seems like super good throw but land behind other ppl throw lol. jordan threw and landed just in front of hardik's one XD, so he wanted to rpae jordan but cant.
anyway, we also learn forehand throw but thumb damn pain. then we split to team to practise. boon chong was like "justin, its jiiii" and that they were fated XD. anyway our team got good method for game le i think. not going to reveal it :P
physics got new teacher he is much better but abit boring. then during chem i got bored, and ask hardik go search the "club cant even handle me right now" in indian version. front part is super epic.
tmr need submit print ad le T_T i need to do it since the rest offline le. anyway, guo xuan tried handing his, but it got rejected. damn funny it was this voldemort putting his hand on his head cos he was pissed and in pain, but then there was the words 常常洗头发 LOL.
kk need go le bb
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
hoho, ho is sick
yea retarded opening.
first lesson english ask us define singaporean culture. of course everyone put SINGLISH and FOOD there (duh), and then got some random stuff that mr chin didnt know. anyway quite interesting.
during break the western stall shutter cannot open. so when we buying from malay store he was like sitting on the stool behind, then all of them laughing. damn epic when we wave at us XD. see, perfect example of optimism. anyway some people went behind the store to order food. i dunno whether he put up a sign later on cos i dint go canteen le, but i think he put something like "order food behind muslim store" or something like that. epic.
anyway, after math, ho dint come, so we tot fong going to give the lesson but then she let us slack, provided we stay in class. fooled around as usual, then hardik decided to lock ppl out of the class, at first jordan, then those who help him also locked out lol. so all of them were outside and i told chee to "take the opportunity" XD. he was like blur, dunno what i talking about, but boon chong was like "oh, hi patella". then it got transform into a patel national anthem o.O i got raped for suggesting that >.<
so thats abt it. chinese manage to write finish the compo JUST before he went down the stairs. our poster i discuss with chee le. sounds very noob -.- ours is some random forest shape looking like a lung with the bottom right side deforested. so we came up with 砍掉树木, 地球窒息. whatever la gd enough. yx group one is ghey. then again yx did the whole thing...
maple patch until 10 postponed all the from 4 wth GM slacking za. chee agrees with me also XD.
first lesson english ask us define singaporean culture. of course everyone put SINGLISH and FOOD there (duh), and then got some random stuff that mr chin didnt know. anyway quite interesting.
during break the western stall shutter cannot open. so when we buying from malay store he was like sitting on the stool behind, then all of them laughing. damn epic when we wave at us XD. see, perfect example of optimism. anyway some people went behind the store to order food. i dunno whether he put up a sign later on cos i dint go canteen le, but i think he put something like "order food behind muslim store" or something like that. epic.
anyway, after math, ho dint come, so we tot fong going to give the lesson but then she let us slack, provided we stay in class. fooled around as usual, then hardik decided to lock ppl out of the class, at first jordan, then those who help him also locked out lol. so all of them were outside and i told chee to "take the opportunity" XD. he was like blur, dunno what i talking about, but boon chong was like "oh, hi patella". then it got transform into a patel national anthem o.O i got raped for suggesting that >.<
so thats abt it. chinese manage to write finish the compo JUST before he went down the stairs. our poster i discuss with chee le. sounds very noob -.- ours is some random forest shape looking like a lung with the bottom right side deforested. so we came up with 砍掉树木, 地球窒息. whatever la gd enough. yx group one is ghey. then again yx did the whole thing...
maple patch until 10 postponed all the from 4 wth GM slacking za. chee agrees with me also XD.
shadow and light pics XD
i finally decided that from now on im going to post about stuff that is INTERESTING, not about work. dont want to post about unhappy or boring shizz too. just fun and interesting stuff. so that next time i read i wont go and remember what i learned that day... ill be remembering what made me happy that day...
anyway today went back early and got free time so i finally used lightroom and posted my first few editted pics. woah first time uploading non-facebook resolution so much better :D
at first darn dark but THANK GOD LIGHTROOM. can go make new dp le :P
my hand
anyway today went back early and got free time so i finally used lightroom and posted my first few editted pics. woah first time uploading non-facebook resolution so much better :D
leon's pic XDXD
wooaaah damn handsome. like some professional sportsman. ask leon sign on it somewhere can be autograph le XD
png looks cool
made the sun look nicer and jordan brighter
wonky's face shot XDD (damn natural sia)
i made the aura effect thing XD. too bad my hand not straight. maybe shud have cropped off more.
and last but not least,
my masterpiece XDXD
looks darn cool sia but dunno whether shadow light theme correct. anyway fiona added the words take flight when she editted her own so it looks like a poster.
my god lightroom is awesome XD. shud edit more next time XD.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
econs trip. tax o.o
ok today we dint do much cos we dint take PPV. and math was kind of slacked to let ppl study PPV and the guy sitting next to hardik being a cow. mr loo kind of tested him straight in the face and he gave some chim answer, then mr loo was like what?!? anyway, that guy very pro u know. he "failed" his math test cos he dint get 31. amazing man, seeing the thing is 30 marks. being douchey. and he join in the tapping, so now hardik dunno whether yx or yi rong tap him. oh and his more sweary now now that he knows us better. its like that with alot of ppl. the closer u are, the more they dare to swear.
anyway, i kind of mastered twirling the rod already LOL. and i only drop it 3 times zah the rest is all yx. yea i use that pole for everything, like reaching for stuff, pressing the projector button, and poking hardik XD. but while i was twirling mr cheong came out of lift and say hey very dangerous then he take the stick lol... i think he threw it in a dustbin or something. yx say last time their class spam playing with sticks and PVC tubes. no wonder.
after that was bio. completely similar to bio evo sia. anyway we drew our own dragon. last time i coloured something = primary school. most of the rest too. we are all deprived. anyway i bothered colouring it cos we got colour pencils from roslyn in media. coloured mine light green and under wing or mouth or tail red. darn nice. lucky i dint need draw fire. anyway hardik used red and yellow highlighter and his dragon was like glowing lol. too bad he dint have fire to draw, or will be damn nice. jordan shaded his dragon LOL. basically our class colour everything, treating it like some art and craft lesson lol. quite fun.
got econs trip today. while we taking bus there me and chee sit together. then chee douchey, cos hardik was like 3 seats behind, all the way at the back, so he was like patella. then boon chong laughed and "patelled" also. when we got down he actually forgot we called him, cos he sweared to rape those two.
the trip was quite informative. its tax though, no matter how beautiful u say it, its tax. no one likes tax. unless ur like that rich guy in yesterday's recital to move his OWN piano to the school costing $1000. wa LAO eh. dun waste money like that la. go share share or something. or be super nice and donate. and in 1994 GST was 3%. whatthepatel. anyway, last time system quite different, and everyone was going high on opium, according to yawen. anyway we crowded around the guy, Nicholas i think? that guy not bad, like very attention catching. i would have felt claustrophobic. legs probably be jelly too if i was made to present.
after that we went to some meeting room/dining room. first impression was hotel tourist catered tables with food in those boxes. it was some random puzzle that dint even fit LOL. can quote chee. anyways, there was a NUS High student there. oldest possible 21 years old. year 6 when we year 1, which means she is first batch who join in year 3. anyway she looks so adultish already oo. like i felt it was some adult-type presentation. technically it is. even though she a bit nervous cos her leg keep crossing while she standing. i dunno la maybe the tone or the posture make them look pro.
after that got refreshments XD. i not allergic to peanuts thank GOD. i spam camel nuts whenever there is. seriously awesome. anyway, there was sandwiches also, but i dont really like sandwiches in general, and egg mayo taste a bit disgusting. anyway, the cake got peanuts but i dont feel and itchiness or like im going to die tmr. maybe 70 years later i die and say oh allergic to peanuts on my tombstone LOL. after that we all got dismissed.
why is the mrt a circle in that area we spend so much time deciding which way to go lol... anyway, hardik and johnathan went in with fiona so i follow, then hardik and johnathan went out while i went in just in time then close. actually our way looks further but i was supposed to reach there 3 min earlier. was looking at her tumblr photos of the wonky crane so nice can. anyway, mobile broadband is so awesome. especially if u spend 1hr on the train and 30 min on bus and u dont feel sleepy.
anyway i dunno what i thinking but when fiona exited at paya lebar i went out and change train, which means it goes opposite direction. gah wth i actually reached there before hardik and pin. stupidity to the max. bus 5 also took quite long then got 2 come at same time so the crowd split into half but the whole bus still cramped. i think 1 or 2 might have not been able to come in. whys 5 so screwed up. cos i took a screwdriver and screw it upwards. yea thats my quality of lame jokes in class currently...
anyway, i kind of mastered twirling the rod already LOL. and i only drop it 3 times zah the rest is all yx. yea i use that pole for everything, like reaching for stuff, pressing the projector button, and poking hardik XD. but while i was twirling mr cheong came out of lift and say hey very dangerous then he take the stick lol... i think he threw it in a dustbin or something. yx say last time their class spam playing with sticks and PVC tubes. no wonder.
after that was bio. completely similar to bio evo sia. anyway we drew our own dragon. last time i coloured something = primary school. most of the rest too. we are all deprived. anyway i bothered colouring it cos we got colour pencils from roslyn in media. coloured mine light green and under wing or mouth or tail red. darn nice. lucky i dint need draw fire. anyway hardik used red and yellow highlighter and his dragon was like glowing lol. too bad he dint have fire to draw, or will be damn nice. jordan shaded his dragon LOL. basically our class colour everything, treating it like some art and craft lesson lol. quite fun.
got econs trip today. while we taking bus there me and chee sit together. then chee douchey, cos hardik was like 3 seats behind, all the way at the back, so he was like patella. then boon chong laughed and "patelled" also. when we got down he actually forgot we called him, cos he sweared to rape those two.
the trip was quite informative. its tax though, no matter how beautiful u say it, its tax. no one likes tax. unless ur like that rich guy in yesterday's recital to move his OWN piano to the school costing $1000. wa LAO eh. dun waste money like that la. go share share or something. or be super nice and donate. and in 1994 GST was 3%. whatthepatel. anyway, last time system quite different, and everyone was going high on opium, according to yawen. anyway we crowded around the guy, Nicholas i think? that guy not bad, like very attention catching. i would have felt claustrophobic. legs probably be jelly too if i was made to present.
after that we went to some meeting room/dining room. first impression was hotel tourist catered tables with food in those boxes. it was some random puzzle that dint even fit LOL. can quote chee. anyways, there was a NUS High student there. oldest possible 21 years old. year 6 when we year 1, which means she is first batch who join in year 3. anyway she looks so adultish already oo. like i felt it was some adult-type presentation. technically it is. even though she a bit nervous cos her leg keep crossing while she standing. i dunno la maybe the tone or the posture make them look pro.
after that got refreshments XD. i not allergic to peanuts thank GOD. i spam camel nuts whenever there is. seriously awesome. anyway, there was sandwiches also, but i dont really like sandwiches in general, and egg mayo taste a bit disgusting. anyway, the cake got peanuts but i dont feel and itchiness or like im going to die tmr. maybe 70 years later i die and say oh allergic to peanuts on my tombstone LOL. after that we all got dismissed.
why is the mrt a circle in that area we spend so much time deciding which way to go lol... anyway, hardik and johnathan went in with fiona so i follow, then hardik and johnathan went out while i went in just in time then close. actually our way looks further but i was supposed to reach there 3 min earlier. was looking at her tumblr photos of the wonky crane so nice can. anyway, mobile broadband is so awesome. especially if u spend 1hr on the train and 30 min on bus and u dont feel sleepy.
anyway i dunno what i thinking but when fiona exited at paya lebar i went out and change train, which means it goes opposite direction. gah wth i actually reached there before hardik and pin. stupidity to the max. bus 5 also took quite long then got 2 come at same time so the crowd split into half but the whole bus still cramped. i think 1 or 2 might have not been able to come in. whys 5 so screwed up. cos i took a screwdriver and screw it upwards. yea thats my quality of lame jokes in class currently...
Monday, August 15, 2011
caught in the audi sneaking around
today lessons are the usual sucky. chinese we got new homework... some chinese print ad, and 90% never finish movie critic and 100% nvr finish the chim higher chinese like topic. he was like saying how other classes like 02! got at least 3-4 ppl hand in. so we spend our time doing nothing really. i was trying to set chinese on jordan's comp and i couldnt make it like the one in my comp so i kept changing and changing it o.o. his current settings super tedious one sia every word must choose correct.
anyway, during the break, i dunno why ppl wanted to go audi cos its cold and dark and 100% distraction. but wont la, like they said. so we went there, and then started admiring the grand piano. then boon chong play and the rest of us listen while yi xuan was trying to tickle/rape adrian and they ran halfway up the audi among the chairs. talk about not distracted. boon chong's songs not bad but he play so fast... and i finally know the song its some time traveller theme but doesnt really sound like it what... its just darn nice cos the chord keeps changing very smoothly and then palindromic pattern ABA. oo i ripped that off last weeks concert XD.
then later dr wong come in and then started scolding. chee and me just ran out cos we scared yellow form. boon chong hardik felix all escaped also la. as in not run away from teacher. more like being shooed away. so later we all ended up in class except yi xuan, so we all tot he was being punished. luckily he came back and he and adrian said the moment dr wong come in they duck and hide behind the chairs, so if dr wong comes up to punish ppl they can feign ignorance. what.the.hell.
after that there was house meeting and it rained LOL. so runners dun need run. they probably dint sleep very well the previous night anyway. half of them were like complaining that they very sleepy and dont feel like running. so anyway faraday did the world cup cheer, which is like nonsense? winner cannot drink milo or go kopitiam? lolz. ok la not bad. but then i like one line cheer the most. its like the best cheer in this school (not being biased. it seriously seems like it). basically everyone can hear cos its not super mashed together lyrics. and then its quite nicely put also. we got released 3rd in 30 minutes. and fibo was 1st. dunno what they doing the last 10 mins they like spying on our cheer or something. ok i mean wei ren XD. the rest kind of went home.
thats abt it la quite interesting events. somehow it seems like every subject i take or dont take is similar to the ppl sitting around me. and chee also likes come over. except that patel rapes him XD. dont tell him i said it. he is already molesting me alr...
anyway, during the break, i dunno why ppl wanted to go audi cos its cold and dark and 100% distraction. but wont la, like they said. so we went there, and then started admiring the grand piano. then boon chong play and the rest of us listen while yi xuan was trying to tickle/rape adrian and they ran halfway up the audi among the chairs. talk about not distracted. boon chong's songs not bad but he play so fast... and i finally know the song its some time traveller theme but doesnt really sound like it what... its just darn nice cos the chord keeps changing very smoothly and then palindromic pattern ABA. oo i ripped that off last weeks concert XD.
then later dr wong come in and then started scolding. chee and me just ran out cos we scared yellow form. boon chong hardik felix all escaped also la. as in not run away from teacher. more like being shooed away. so later we all ended up in class except yi xuan, so we all tot he was being punished. luckily he came back and he and adrian said the moment dr wong come in they duck and hide behind the chairs, so if dr wong comes up to punish ppl they can feign ignorance. what.the.hell.
after that there was house meeting and it rained LOL. so runners dun need run. they probably dint sleep very well the previous night anyway. half of them were like complaining that they very sleepy and dont feel like running. so anyway faraday did the world cup cheer, which is like nonsense? winner cannot drink milo or go kopitiam? lolz. ok la not bad. but then i like one line cheer the most. its like the best cheer in this school (not being biased. it seriously seems like it). basically everyone can hear cos its not super mashed together lyrics. and then its quite nicely put also. we got released 3rd in 30 minutes. and fibo was 1st. dunno what they doing the last 10 mins they like spying on our cheer or something. ok i mean wei ren XD. the rest kind of went home.
thats abt it la quite interesting events. somehow it seems like every subject i take or dont take is similar to the ppl sitting around me. and chee also likes come over. except that patel rapes him XD. dont tell him i said it. he is already molesting me alr...
Friday, August 12, 2011
shadow and light. wooooo~~~
ok la nothing that dramatic. just some photo i took during media.
anyway, for bio i liked the first activity but not the worksheet. the one where u shake and pull out 2 at random? i was betting with ppl that if they pull out 2 white ill give them $1/2/5/10. the $10 lucky justin dint succeed sia. and boon chong keep trying to cheat, like feel texture, but he first one already take wrong. nobody took 2 white surprising cos i estimated only around 1/25 chance... everyone sui or something...
anyway there was health screening today. everyone kind of camped there to skip chinese but apparent wj got replaced temporarily? and normal chinese got movie, so no point pwning. anyway, i took out my specs and she ask me cover my left eye and i was like woah, even the big N is blur... but somehow can reach 3rd line. left eye like getting better and better. good specs. oh and they are lasting. sometimes i take them out on the bed and lie on top of it, but surprisingly its intact...
media was interesting ba. even though syed absent due to ramadan, they got this light and shadow theme u suppose to take one photo. everyone brainstorm until damn sian and then all complain no light (especially year 2's >.<). anyway, we went field cos wei ren say evening sun is strong and shadow causing. i took some retarded shots of the sky but then got distracted and took one of leon. he looks damn handsome in that pic ok.... too bad dark. i promise ill go edit that and a few others and TAG HIM 8D.
took picture of wong raping lee, and jordan posing like some british coloniser o.o . also some of the track since its freakin bright so i can make the grains super sharp and defined. looks so SHARP omgosh. brightness is seriously super awesome for photography.
took some of the fencing, but that wasnt shadow, so i asked wong help me make some animal shape and i put sky as backdrop. then set aperture super high, so its like super dark hand but bright sky. and is a bat XD. fiona edited the photo and put take flight there and then it looks 10X more awesomer, like some poster. i swear i took that for fun...
anyway we futsalled, but halfway me, jookee, fiona and huang went to watch recital. i only knew one song in there and it was nocturne. sounds very nice, even though she played abit wrongly cos her master instrument is violin, not piano. and the last piece is super gay can. the last part shes like trying to saw of her violin or something ... really at the extreme highest note the violin can play.
so there was refreshments after that. PIES!! holy so tasty its like better than polar and bigger and 2 makes ppl full enough. full enough = normal dinner fullness. obviously i dint stop there XD. and huang duhh. i think he ate 8 wa fa cai ah. anyway, met with loo, huang and GAHHHH cos they played bridge and dint go home. whats wrong with hema nowadays? he is twice as violent, gay, vulgar, and overall twice as UGLY. wish lee was there to say that LOL.
anyway, me and pin went to lavender cos his dad want to fetch, but ended up going long way. there was this part where he drive down some downward spiral kind of road and he actually ACCELERATED. freakin gay centrifugal force, but also damn smooth, like roller coaster. of course u feel freaked out, but also thrilling at the same time. then there was once when he turning into a road the time, he gave way to a motorcyler, and the motorcycler slowly zoom past. then he turn into where the motorcylcist was one second ago. pin was like "what if he bangs into a tree?". then his dad was like "thats his problem. if u want to drive, u must know how to drive." thats called attitude...
ok la thats abt it for the whole day. damn lot of stuff happen so ya. not watching next recital ah. too sian already and its monday and i dunno the guy.
anyway, for bio i liked the first activity but not the worksheet. the one where u shake and pull out 2 at random? i was betting with ppl that if they pull out 2 white ill give them $1/2/5/10. the $10 lucky justin dint succeed sia. and boon chong keep trying to cheat, like feel texture, but he first one already take wrong. nobody took 2 white surprising cos i estimated only around 1/25 chance... everyone sui or something...
anyway there was health screening today. everyone kind of camped there to skip chinese but apparent wj got replaced temporarily? and normal chinese got movie, so no point pwning. anyway, i took out my specs and she ask me cover my left eye and i was like woah, even the big N is blur... but somehow can reach 3rd line. left eye like getting better and better. good specs. oh and they are lasting. sometimes i take them out on the bed and lie on top of it, but surprisingly its intact...
media was interesting ba. even though syed absent due to ramadan, they got this light and shadow theme u suppose to take one photo. everyone brainstorm until damn sian and then all complain no light (especially year 2's >.<). anyway, we went field cos wei ren say evening sun is strong and shadow causing. i took some retarded shots of the sky but then got distracted and took one of leon. he looks damn handsome in that pic ok.... too bad dark. i promise ill go edit that and a few others and TAG HIM 8D.
took picture of wong raping lee, and jordan posing like some british coloniser o.o . also some of the track since its freakin bright so i can make the grains super sharp and defined. looks so SHARP omgosh. brightness is seriously super awesome for photography.
took some of the fencing, but that wasnt shadow, so i asked wong help me make some animal shape and i put sky as backdrop. then set aperture super high, so its like super dark hand but bright sky. and is a bat XD. fiona edited the photo and put take flight there and then it looks 10X more awesomer, like some poster. i swear i took that for fun...
anyway we futsalled, but halfway me, jookee, fiona and huang went to watch recital. i only knew one song in there and it was nocturne. sounds very nice, even though she played abit wrongly cos her master instrument is violin, not piano. and the last piece is super gay can. the last part shes like trying to saw of her violin or something ... really at the extreme highest note the violin can play.
so there was refreshments after that. PIES!! holy so tasty its like better than polar and bigger and 2 makes ppl full enough. full enough = normal dinner fullness. obviously i dint stop there XD. and huang duhh. i think he ate 8 wa fa cai ah. anyway, met with loo, huang and GAHHHH cos they played bridge and dint go home. whats wrong with hema nowadays? he is twice as violent, gay, vulgar, and overall twice as UGLY. wish lee was there to say that LOL.
anyway, me and pin went to lavender cos his dad want to fetch, but ended up going long way. there was this part where he drive down some downward spiral kind of road and he actually ACCELERATED. freakin gay centrifugal force, but also damn smooth, like roller coaster. of course u feel freaked out, but also thrilling at the same time. then there was once when he turning into a road the time, he gave way to a motorcyler, and the motorcycler slowly zoom past. then he turn into where the motorcylcist was one second ago. pin was like "what if he bangs into a tree?". then his dad was like "thats his problem. if u want to drive, u must know how to drive." thats called attitude...
ok la thats abt it for the whole day. damn lot of stuff happen so ya. not watching next recital ah. too sian already and its monday and i dunno the guy.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
wonky's 3 laws
nowadays when someone is tapped, ppl suspect its me instead of wong. cos he go teach me the 3 laws XD. 1, tap when someone is distracted. 2, dont tap if they are talking. 3, dont tap if they are next to the wall, unless its wanqi XD. anyway i actually managed to trick chee XD but then huang super scary to tap. so wong came up with 3 laws of flick, and the last when damn funny. dont flick huang XD.
anyway, today pe is frisbee, which is quite dangerous >.<. the disc is too hard, so when i try catch i bruised my thumb. boon chong whack his own finger when he throw lol. anyway, half of the time was warm up and history, which i hate, cos it makes PE seem short. its like the shortest lesson ever. the game was quite retarded cos we dunno how play well yet. everyone just throw in the sky or something, which isnt the way to play the game? i think.
today mr yeo nvr come cos he got reservice. so mr soh took over. his face got this very nonchalant expression and he likes to joke. the first few were funny, but some were about current affairs so i dont get it. anyway we dint do any questions whatsoever. but his analogies for capacitance is quite good. like a water tank where its volume is the charge held, height is voltage, and base area is capacitance. then when they used a capicitor to charge another capacitor, its like the water tanks are connected at the bottom so the water level will be same and all that. quite nice way of describing. i finally get it :D
anyway, chemistry was sian again. i dint bring one worksheet, and i dont have to listen for like 1hour. seriously boring already. since when did i dislike chem so much? anyway it was darn boring. sian i think i dont wan honor chem le. major is good enuf.
after that we all stayed back to finish chem. i already did everything except 3 last part and then boon chong said my last part correct. but then when i saw other ppls ass their working different, so i stupidly cancelled the whole qn, then realised that the answer was the same o.o . wasting ppls time >.< . so next time i must trust myself.
im so dead le i got econs and chinese and english, but then i too lazy to do D: i hate doing those homework :/
anyway, today pe is frisbee, which is quite dangerous >.<. the disc is too hard, so when i try catch i bruised my thumb. boon chong whack his own finger when he throw lol. anyway, half of the time was warm up and history, which i hate, cos it makes PE seem short. its like the shortest lesson ever. the game was quite retarded cos we dunno how play well yet. everyone just throw in the sky or something, which isnt the way to play the game? i think.
today mr yeo nvr come cos he got reservice. so mr soh took over. his face got this very nonchalant expression and he likes to joke. the first few were funny, but some were about current affairs so i dont get it. anyway we dint do any questions whatsoever. but his analogies for capacitance is quite good. like a water tank where its volume is the charge held, height is voltage, and base area is capacitance. then when they used a capicitor to charge another capacitor, its like the water tanks are connected at the bottom so the water level will be same and all that. quite nice way of describing. i finally get it :D
anyway, chemistry was sian again. i dint bring one worksheet, and i dont have to listen for like 1hour. seriously boring already. since when did i dislike chem so much? anyway it was darn boring. sian i think i dont wan honor chem le. major is good enuf.
after that we all stayed back to finish chem. i already did everything except 3 last part and then boon chong said my last part correct. but then when i saw other ppls ass their working different, so i stupidly cancelled the whole qn, then realised that the answer was the same o.o . wasting ppls time >.< . so next time i must trust myself.
im so dead le i got econs and chinese and english, but then i too lazy to do D: i hate doing those homework :/
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
today went back sch for geog for 3 hours. felt damn long and very sianz, since she keep digressing and all that. anyway, hardik was playing maple but pretending he was editting powerpoint slides, so the rest of us disturb him and all that. the usual. that guy is gay he has like 9 billion mesos.
anyway we went to eat at long john silvers. i was being extra lame that day so whatever they say i just come up with something retarded. anyway, justin dint sit with ji (awwww), cos everyone was like forcing them or something but we still had to get up to eat food. i think justin sick of it le LOL. even mr loo commented on it XD.
then after that ppl start talking about weird stuff and pda (u know what that means). cos hardik was raping ppl as usual. then somehow it became public display of abs. some slightly sick jokes talked about too. anyway thats about all... sucky day...
anyway its chees birthday today. bet wongs going to gay chee tmr XD.
anyway we went to eat at long john silvers. i was being extra lame that day so whatever they say i just come up with something retarded. anyway, justin dint sit with ji (awwww), cos everyone was like forcing them or something but we still had to get up to eat food. i think justin sick of it le LOL. even mr loo commented on it XD.
then after that ppl start talking about weird stuff and pda (u know what that means). cos hardik was raping ppl as usual. then somehow it became public display of abs. some slightly sick jokes talked about too. anyway thats about all... sucky day...
anyway its chees birthday today. bet wongs going to gay chee tmr XD.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
reached home at 11 pm, so too tired to post yesterday. anyway, yesterday was lee's birthday party XD. i stupidly(-lee) thought that his birthday was on the same day last friday, when it was actually over, so i got the look. o.o
anyway, morning was NDP celebration. the first hour was sian la. so crowded and warm, and the marching wasnt very interesting until the real army ppl came out. they super neat one sia but they look quite normal to my surprise. not that army supposed to be super buff or anything, but that was what i was thinking. anyway, NCC also got this dance-army-ish thing. very interesting and they somehow incorporate some army like things into the dance. the ending got flour explosion also XD.
then later got this performance. no funny skit though, so a bit disappointing. but as usual they target the teachers with the questionnaire. the mr dewey i think, didnt even try saying anything. he kind of backed out. so after that the mc, which was dr hang's son went to dr hang and ask him how he is going to spend his holiday with his family, which was like woahh. but then dr hang said he going korea, so that kind of backfired on him. or maybe he knew that already.
anyway, after the songs and such we played soccer. one of the worst games i played cos the heat seemed to come out from the ground, and my shirt was like a greenhouse. there was flour on the grass so i tot to play a prank on hema but i got no guts. thats a good thing right?
after that we all went to queensway to eat. i think i spent $5 quite well? lor mee + soursop drink exactly $5. anyway, ppl like wong super rich buy ice kachang and random stuff before buying macs... the ice kachang toppled and there was this strand of green, yellow, white and red when it melted, so it looked like nyan-cat LOL. loo can nyan quite well XD. other than that we talked rubbish, but very fun.
after that we went shopping mall, but havent bought present, so a group of us decided to distract him, but somehow it became jia min buying shoes ... anyway, wong appeared outside and was like alert for the photos. he expected to see the lens or something, but then lee hid behind the whatever on the display and wong got owned LOL.
after that we went to lee's condo, and i finally know why lee's so pro in sports. his parents very nice one zah, and his father is some swimming coach, who can juggle balls and everything. so cool. anyway i went to his apartment to charge cam and the dogs were damn noisy. and gay. i almost screamed lol. they just rushed out at strangers and go for the ... u know what? never mind.
anyway at the bbq pit downstairs, it was damn nice. super windy on the first floor, plus got some fountain, so there's like mist on the air. very cooling. anyway we played cards the first thing we got there as usual and the rest just talked maple. then we went to play bball. that sport is very violent, but im quite violent >.< anyway, being douchey and blocking ppl off cos i cant play bball properly... but then managed to do something at the very least. the ball hit a lot of ppl though, so we shudnt play it?
after a while we also played shoot the hema because he was being douchey and shooting 3 pointers and being egoistic. basically just low shot the ball at his legs when he was jumping. anyway, the rest of them went to play badminton. at first we all crowded in there, enjoying aircon. got ppl screaming and the echo was damn long. probably the guard could hear like many voices from downstairs, so he kicked out ppl until only 4 left. all the bridgers went to the study room, where there were tables of 4. ideal for bridging. but then we couldnt make noise because its study room. u see, the glass is suppose to keep noise out to provide quite environment, but for us its to keep noise in so the guard wont notice XD.
went to the badminton court again to play. after awhile everyone just went back and heck care the guard le. damn fun and shuang. after that lee's sister's friends took over, so we went to court to bball again... then went back to the bbq pit or whatever u call it. after that we just slack and play bridge while jiamin was working hard starting the fire(for some reason he loves doing it). anyway, we spam drink like super fast sia, and then the food everyone just rush for the sausage. within minutes all food gone :o . prada couldnt eat anything except corn, sweet potato, egg. but at least he ate.
fiona obsessing about flash and took unglam photos. but i took the one of wong LOL. he was innocently chewing his sausage plus my cam was just next to lee's body, so he couldnt react in time XD. chee and jun wei also kena.
after that we armwrestled. im probably the weakest guy there (maybe weakest overall). anyway, shree kept owning ppl, until wong came and like act cool, like just stone there while shree struggled, then bom. super buff. then lee's father came and owned wong, but he was nice, like not super suan or merciless. "strong boy". anyway, wong's ego just died LOL.
then the rest of us also got addicted. loo kept trying everyone but losing except for me, but i kind of kept it super long. damn funny sia. i purposely make my arm awkward and just keep squirming so i kind of repelled any "attack". then go back to the center and no one pushing. just resting. all laughing like mad too, but then in the end i lost la. i was expecting it anyway...
anyway after that we went to the court and there was this free throw thing to decide who goes to whos team. i actually scored 2 LOL even though my arm half-dead. maybe when its half dead then both sides got equal strength. chee went to zero club LOL, and jookee also. junwei obviously scored two. lee also obviously scored. then hema tried. not fair la he was practising like mad. we all kept wishing he dint score and it worked for like the first two balls. then the rest of us kind of died. lee went sprawling to the floor LOL. heart attack sia. cos that guy just shoot anyhow, thinking he can score so that if he score he can be egoistic and all that. douche.
zero club was good though got chee jookee and wong and they are like pro. but junwei lee can own all so we won. anyway some of them went home early, but most of us stayed back until they opened present.
he took quite long to find it cos we dint promp him at first and he got like all disappointed, so we gave him prompts like cooler, warm, hotter, boiling hot XD. anyway, it was damn cool. completely unguessable. at first he unwrapped the newspaper and found the $20 wallet. nice but disappointing. then he unwrapped it further and found the fedora, which he liked very much, even though we knew he bought it that day instead of GSS (what a weird lie). anyway, he was emotionally happy. so remember this day. happy birthday lee!!
anyway, morning was NDP celebration. the first hour was sian la. so crowded and warm, and the marching wasnt very interesting until the real army ppl came out. they super neat one sia but they look quite normal to my surprise. not that army supposed to be super buff or anything, but that was what i was thinking. anyway, NCC also got this dance-army-ish thing. very interesting and they somehow incorporate some army like things into the dance. the ending got flour explosion also XD.
then later got this performance. no funny skit though, so a bit disappointing. but as usual they target the teachers with the questionnaire. the mr dewey i think, didnt even try saying anything. he kind of backed out. so after that the mc, which was dr hang's son went to dr hang and ask him how he is going to spend his holiday with his family, which was like woahh. but then dr hang said he going korea, so that kind of backfired on him. or maybe he knew that already.
anyway, after the songs and such we played soccer. one of the worst games i played cos the heat seemed to come out from the ground, and my shirt was like a greenhouse. there was flour on the grass so i tot to play a prank on hema but i got no guts. thats a good thing right?
after that we all went to queensway to eat. i think i spent $5 quite well? lor mee + soursop drink exactly $5. anyway, ppl like wong super rich buy ice kachang and random stuff before buying macs... the ice kachang toppled and there was this strand of green, yellow, white and red when it melted, so it looked like nyan-cat LOL. loo can nyan quite well XD. other than that we talked rubbish, but very fun.
after that we went shopping mall, but havent bought present, so a group of us decided to distract him, but somehow it became jia min buying shoes ... anyway, wong appeared outside and was like alert for the photos. he expected to see the lens or something, but then lee hid behind the whatever on the display and wong got owned LOL.
after that we went to lee's condo, and i finally know why lee's so pro in sports. his parents very nice one zah, and his father is some swimming coach, who can juggle balls and everything. so cool. anyway i went to his apartment to charge cam and the dogs were damn noisy. and gay. i almost screamed lol. they just rushed out at strangers and go for the ... u know what? never mind.
anyway at the bbq pit downstairs, it was damn nice. super windy on the first floor, plus got some fountain, so there's like mist on the air. very cooling. anyway we played cards the first thing we got there as usual and the rest just talked maple. then we went to play bball. that sport is very violent, but im quite violent >.< anyway, being douchey and blocking ppl off cos i cant play bball properly... but then managed to do something at the very least. the ball hit a lot of ppl though, so we shudnt play it?
after a while we also played shoot the hema because he was being douchey and shooting 3 pointers and being egoistic. basically just low shot the ball at his legs when he was jumping. anyway, the rest of them went to play badminton. at first we all crowded in there, enjoying aircon. got ppl screaming and the echo was damn long. probably the guard could hear like many voices from downstairs, so he kicked out ppl until only 4 left. all the bridgers went to the study room, where there were tables of 4. ideal for bridging. but then we couldnt make noise because its study room. u see, the glass is suppose to keep noise out to provide quite environment, but for us its to keep noise in so the guard wont notice XD.
went to the badminton court again to play. after awhile everyone just went back and heck care the guard le. damn fun and shuang. after that lee's sister's friends took over, so we went to court to bball again... then went back to the bbq pit or whatever u call it. after that we just slack and play bridge while jiamin was working hard starting the fire(for some reason he loves doing it). anyway, we spam drink like super fast sia, and then the food everyone just rush for the sausage. within minutes all food gone :o . prada couldnt eat anything except corn, sweet potato, egg. but at least he ate.
fiona obsessing about flash and took unglam photos. but i took the one of wong LOL. he was innocently chewing his sausage plus my cam was just next to lee's body, so he couldnt react in time XD. chee and jun wei also kena.
after that we armwrestled. im probably the weakest guy there (maybe weakest overall). anyway, shree kept owning ppl, until wong came and like act cool, like just stone there while shree struggled, then bom. super buff. then lee's father came and owned wong, but he was nice, like not super suan or merciless. "strong boy". anyway, wong's ego just died LOL.
then the rest of us also got addicted. loo kept trying everyone but losing except for me, but i kind of kept it super long. damn funny sia. i purposely make my arm awkward and just keep squirming so i kind of repelled any "attack". then go back to the center and no one pushing. just resting. all laughing like mad too, but then in the end i lost la. i was expecting it anyway...
anyway after that we went to the court and there was this free throw thing to decide who goes to whos team. i actually scored 2 LOL even though my arm half-dead. maybe when its half dead then both sides got equal strength. chee went to zero club LOL, and jookee also. junwei obviously scored two. lee also obviously scored. then hema tried. not fair la he was practising like mad. we all kept wishing he dint score and it worked for like the first two balls. then the rest of us kind of died. lee went sprawling to the floor LOL. heart attack sia. cos that guy just shoot anyhow, thinking he can score so that if he score he can be egoistic and all that. douche.
zero club was good though got chee jookee and wong and they are like pro. but junwei lee can own all so we won. anyway some of them went home early, but most of us stayed back until they opened present.
he took quite long to find it cos we dint promp him at first and he got like all disappointed, so we gave him prompts like cooler, warm, hotter, boiling hot XD. anyway, it was damn cool. completely unguessable. at first he unwrapped the newspaper and found the $20 wallet. nice but disappointing. then he unwrapped it further and found the fedora, which he liked very much, even though we knew he bought it that day instead of GSS (what a weird lie). anyway, he was emotionally happy. so remember this day. happy birthday lee!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
the birthday (pics)
fiona got the pics uploaded yea. my card went missing so im outta pictures. nuuuu my chinese garden pics... anyway not much to say about them. this is last weeks ones.
before CCA:
the cool dudes XD

i dunno whats with the pose lol. its like power rangers or something XD. and chee sitting behind XD
pow(d)er throw

lol his feet just off the floor and his hands outwards. and his face damn epic 8D
the buddha at peace

png LOL

looks like some mashimaro oo. the mouth shape curve down then up then down then up :o
shree the innocent

i dunno whats so funny about this pic LOL. just felt like laughing at it XD
lee covered face photo (it still looks nice XD)

whats he doing o.O

then he whacked the ball on the stairs and it somehow spun up behind the wall LOL.

after CCA:
fiona being jian cos she just go up to ppl and then pretend to call them or something then take. chee, lee and other ppl kena owned XD.
anyway, jookee stoning pic XD

im being gayed, but i was happy? LOL

the arms tell the story...
wth was this a pose or wad? o.o

the cake nicely put in the center lol.
was i that eager to eat the cake too? oo

huang's epic laugh face
looks holy awesome oo

huang looks blissful

loo too :P

lol wong even took effort to hide his face LOL
fail cutting by me (but they look equal size ok?)

using the free bread

this was the nice pic i talked about. very nice for some reason.

just dont tell ppl its hema's hand >.<
then random handstand and all that

was my legs really like that?
dont think all the pics are out yet but this pic post good enough ba. pics probably cant capture the 30 second soccer epicness. maybe we shud tape the entire soccer match or something LOL then choose the damn funny parts XD. i still dunno how to upload video on blogger.
before CCA:
the cool dudes XD

i dunno whats with the pose lol. its like power rangers or something XD. and chee sitting behind XD
pow(d)er throw

lol his feet just off the floor and his hands outwards. and his face damn epic 8D
the buddha at peace

png LOL

looks like some mashimaro oo. the mouth shape curve down then up then down then up :o
shree the innocent

i dunno whats so funny about this pic LOL. just felt like laughing at it XD
lee covered face photo (it still looks nice XD)

whats he doing o.O

then he whacked the ball on the stairs and it somehow spun up behind the wall LOL.

after CCA:
fiona being jian cos she just go up to ppl and then pretend to call them or something then take. chee, lee and other ppl kena owned XD.
anyway, jookee stoning pic XD

im being gayed, but i was happy? LOL

the arms tell the story...
wth was this a pose or wad? o.o

the cake nicely put in the center lol.
was i that eager to eat the cake too? oo

huang's epic laugh face
looks holy awesome oo

huang looks blissful

loo too :P

lol wong even took effort to hide his face LOL
fail cutting by me (but they look equal size ok?)

using the free bread

this was the nice pic i talked about. very nice for some reason.

just dont tell ppl its hema's hand >.<
then random handstand and all that

was my legs really like that?
dont think all the pics are out yet but this pic post good enough ba. pics probably cant capture the 30 second soccer epicness. maybe we shud tape the entire soccer match or something LOL then choose the damn funny parts XD. i still dunno how to upload video on blogger.
Monday, August 1, 2011
opera again
sorry nvr post for damn long. basically i had to rush levels to complete and event before its gone. dont ask any more.
anyway, today nothing much la. after chinese, i went over to 05 to watch them play bridge. lee and zheng wei grand slam man. its completely gay, like the other team completely no chance, cos zheng wei had club royal flush and lee got gay hearts, like K, Q, J, 10, 9, another number. and zheng wei got ace hearts. so no matter how good wonky and jookees diamonds are, they got pwned.
anyway, after geog we all played lucky bling 9 ppl with two decks. damn awesome as usual. i think wei jun came in and saw me being douchey against pin LOL cos i put 7 and he took low cards, then next cycle i put ace. yea that was evil. but anyway, i wasnt able to stop other ppl from winning. like hardik was opposite me, so shud i kill pin or not. either way, hardik got 10 as 2nd last card, so....
assembly was quite cool. i sat with jordan and chee, so we were supposed to be like distracted, but then the show quite awesome. the monkey guy damn pro la. even the side flip he need to turn like 180 in the air. then he spin the pole like some candy cane.... damn fast, and wont lose control or hit something. the effects also quite funny, cos got dry ice gas coming from the left XD. the story wasnt bad too. i like zhubajie cos he keep talking bout food and his facial expression and walking movement very funny.
after that, we all went home, though some of them split to reach home faster. left jookee, fiona, daryl, me, and that. jookee stayed on the bus, while the rest of us follow fiona shop. the shop damn cool, so we spend damn long there. anyway we kept pretending to cough and be disgusted cos hema was there, but he was in super douchey and childish mode today. anyway, lee bet that hema wont follow him home for $1, but hema did -_-. that thing nothing better to do la. and lee's parents tot hema was his fren LOL 8D. i can imagine him suppressing his puke...
anyway thats all, i need to upload photos and blog thursday and friday. anyway, i pass u sd card tmr.
anyway, today nothing much la. after chinese, i went over to 05 to watch them play bridge. lee and zheng wei grand slam man. its completely gay, like the other team completely no chance, cos zheng wei had club royal flush and lee got gay hearts, like K, Q, J, 10, 9, another number. and zheng wei got ace hearts. so no matter how good wonky and jookees diamonds are, they got pwned.
anyway, after geog we all played lucky bling 9 ppl with two decks. damn awesome as usual. i think wei jun came in and saw me being douchey against pin LOL cos i put 7 and he took low cards, then next cycle i put ace. yea that was evil. but anyway, i wasnt able to stop other ppl from winning. like hardik was opposite me, so shud i kill pin or not. either way, hardik got 10 as 2nd last card, so....
assembly was quite cool. i sat with jordan and chee, so we were supposed to be like distracted, but then the show quite awesome. the monkey guy damn pro la. even the side flip he need to turn like 180 in the air. then he spin the pole like some candy cane.... damn fast, and wont lose control or hit something. the effects also quite funny, cos got dry ice gas coming from the left XD. the story wasnt bad too. i like zhubajie cos he keep talking bout food and his facial expression and walking movement very funny.
after that, we all went home, though some of them split to reach home faster. left jookee, fiona, daryl, me, and that. jookee stayed on the bus, while the rest of us follow fiona shop. the shop damn cool, so we spend damn long there. anyway we kept pretending to cough and be disgusted cos hema was there, but he was in super douchey and childish mode today. anyway, lee bet that hema wont follow him home for $1, but hema did -_-. that thing nothing better to do la. and lee's parents tot hema was his fren LOL 8D. i can imagine him suppressing his puke...
anyway thats all, i need to upload photos and blog thursday and friday. anyway, i pass u sd card tmr.
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